Protocols for using new Tinker or Hydra with current SAIL-ON implementation
- Free software: Apache Software License 2.0
- Documentation: Compile Seperately... still in progress
The documentation underneath this section is out of date please ignore it.
This requires installing sail-on-client, hydra, and tinker. If you are launching with either hydra or tinker but not both, you only need to install one of them.
For all installs, please run
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .
This install everything:
conda create -n sailon python=3.7 && conda activate sailon
conda install -y numpy scipy pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
python develop
(cd ../evm_based_novelty_detector/timm/ && pip install -e .)
Note, this assumes you have ssh key from your computer to and If you don't follow the instructions
Sail-on-client install instructions here for each problem:
From the home directory: Tinker run command:
tinker -c configs/problem_configs/image_classification_ond_config.yaml sailon_tinker_launcher/
To change to a different config, copy the file sailon_tinker_launcher/config.yaml and make your changes there. You can update the -c parameter to load you new configuration.
Ask Roni about multirun capabilities.
Hydra Run Command:
You can either pass the new config items by overwritting them, such as
python problem.use_feedback=False
You can do multirun as well (look up hydra documentation: )
For example, if you want to run multiple tests, you can use this where you can add to each list to run multiple in serial and separate the brackets to run in multiple tasks (can be mixed with the last type of override as well):
python --multirun \
Another way, if you want to run different problem configs (in configs/problem) if you want to run different problem types or different protocols (probably if you have a lot of different parameters:
python --multirun \
If you want to use slurm to run it, just add hydra/launcher=submitit_local and check out these docs:
python --multirun \
problem.test_ids=[""],["OND.54012315.0900.ABC"] \
You can create a config for your cluster as a new file in configs/hydra/launcher (see the one there for veydrus)
python --multirun \
problem.test_ids=[""],["OND.54012315.0900.ABC"] \
Note: you need --multirun to use slurm launcher (otherwise it is just local)
The default configuration for this is shown in the configs/problem folder. The launching parameters that are the minimum necessary are as follows: - protocol: either 'ond' or 'condda' to define which protocol to run - harness: either 'local' or 'par' to define which harness to use - workdir: a directory to save all the information from the run including
- Config
- Output of algorithm