rails 4 app with postgresql
THE WAITING ROOM Ethan Stiffelman GA LA 2013
-an application that allows either a "user" or "doctor" to sign in / log in / sign up.
-the doctor must give license info to register as doctor. -for now (just some random key in a field that is saved with their data)
-user does not need to provide anything but a pen-name (nick-name), and a password in the database. "for storing data etc." -user does not need to provide any personal information if they do not want to
-user will post a question on the general board, then doctors may answer it.
User name:string salt:string fish:string Post title:string area:string body:text Reply body:text Doctor name_first:string name_last:string salt:string fish:string license:string
-doctors receive points based on answers
-users receive points based on questions
-the license key doctors provide upon sign up will be checked against a preexisting DB for legitimacy
-doctors rate other doctors answers causing them to bubble up to the top
-some form of additional validation for the doctor. -admin check -some kind of vouching system