Releases: darkreactions/ESCALATE
Releases · darkreactions/ESCALATE
v1.0 Beta release with functionality mostly solidified
What's Changed
- Make PropertyDef and MaterialProperty endpoints work with TypeDef table by @miketynes in #39
- add property view and upsert by @miketynes in #40
- valtype_uuid -> val_type_uuid by @miketynes in #44
- Isaac col sort by @ichang1 in #45
- Mike view action by @miketynes in #46
- Mike doc updates by @miketynes in #47
- Nested serialization of actions and parameters by @miketynes in #48
- Mike serialize notes by @miketynes in #49
- Mike serialize workflow by @miketynes in #50
- Return UUIDs from Postgres to Django by @miketynes in #53
- fixed django version for JSONField, and downgraded to 3.0.8 by @ichang1 in #54
- Mike update experiment parameter by @miketynes in #61
- Create experiment from a template through a form by @miketynes in #68
- Mike weighing wf by @miketynes in #86
- Mike cleanup db backups by @miketynes in #87
- start using pgTAP to test upserts by @miketynes in #91
- Add edoc to views and fixed sorting in list view by @ichang1 in #81
- Refactor by @jpannizzo in #95
- Mike model object by @miketynes in #90
- Work on wf1 by @miketynes in #98
- Nominal/Actual Create Experiment Changes by @jpannizzo in #100
- Direct django data model changes; unittypes by @miketynes in #102
- Revert "Direct django data model changes; unittypes" by @miketynes in #103
- Mike unit types by @miketynes in #104
- Nominal/Actual fix update and SQL update by @jpannizzo in #105
- Update Perovskite WF by @miketynes in #106
- added csv export button for lists by @ichang1 in #110
- Nominal/Actual Experiment Detail Editor by @jpannizzo in #115
- q1-q3,material pytests by @jpannizzo in #118
- User profile image upload and edoc list view features by @ikhovryak in #117
- Djangoify part2 load experiment by @ichang1 in #121
- Djangoify part2 testing by @jkawamura in #122
- Update nicole_prototype by @nsmina914 in #123
- Djangoify part2 data UI bugs by @ichang1 in #124
- changes to settings to configure timezone for Nicole by @nsmina914 in #125
- Djangoify to Master by @jpannizzo in #126
- djangoify by @miketynes in #111
- model update and parameter creation update to create the following mo… by @jpannizzo in #129
- update variable names to reflect action_unit by @jpannizzo in #130
- xls fix for wf1, added wrborelli sampler to utilities, update require… by @jpannizzo in #131
- Documentation isaac by @ichang1 in #128
- Experiment List UI by @jpannizzo in #133
- ui changes by @jpannizzo in #134
- vessel update and loadfile update for vessel. by @jpannizzo in #135
- api update for vesselinstance and contents by @jpannizzo in #136
- post for automated experiments by @jpannizzo in #139
- updated sampler to use number of automated experiments, q1 call by @jpannizzo in #140
- automated experiment random sampler parameter model updates and robotfile generation by @jpannizzo in #141
- add new files to master branch by @nsmina914 in #138
- minor dataload changes and xls save changes by @jpannizzo in #142
- csv/txt file updates by @jpannizzo in #143
- Load script issues by @ichang1 in #145
- fixed multiple material error by @ichang1 in #147
- Loadscript changes, property instance wip by @jpannizzo in #146
- 1 line breaking file, removed by @jpannizzo in #148
- Update by @nsmina914 in #144
- loadscript updates by @jpannizzo in #150
- Update experiment creation and reagent prep form colors by @nsmina914 in #151
- Debug api by @jkawamura in #152
- Vessel Selection Automated Experiment by @jpannizzo in #155
- revert Material and Inventory Material Model changes by @jpannizzo in #156
- Added Documentation by @jkawamura in #157
- account for dead volume; round outputs to two d.p. by @nsmina914 in #153
- reaction parameter by @jpannizzo in #162
- Mike detail edit by @miketynes in #149
- wf3 + updated reaction parameters for wf1 and wf3 by @jpannizzo in #163
- added clarity to labeling of reagent headers for UI forms by @nsmina914 in #160
- reaction params by @jpannizzo in #164
- actions, action_sequence, reagents for wf3 by @jpannizzo in #165
- Revert "actions, action_sequence, reagents for wf3" by @jpannizzo in #166
- WF1 slight change, Wf3 actions update by @jpannizzo in #167
- update manual experiment creation form by @nsmina914 in #168
- addressed some of the chemists' requests by @nsmina914 in #169
- fixed manual download form; added manual param drop-downs by @nsmina914 in #171
- fixed minor import/function errors by @nsmina914 in #172
- fixed duplication of rmi vals in load scripts by @nsmina914 in #180
- wf1 fixes by @jpannizzo in #183
- color updates for reagent by @jpannizzo in #184
- error messages by @nsmina914 in #186
- added separate lab selection page and url by @nsmina914 in #187
- debug manual experiment creation by @nsmina914 in #188
- Load script refactor by @ichang1 in #185
- Form refactor by @jkawamura in #170
- implementation of changes for generalization by @nsmina914 in #189
- fixed dead volume form and acid concentration calculations by @nsmina914 in #190
- Revert "fixed dead volume form and acid concentration calculations" by @jpannizzo in #191
- Revert "Revert "fixed dead volume form and acid concentration calculations"" by @jpannizzo in #192
- Revert "fixed dead volume form and acid concentration calculations""" by @jpannizzo in #193
- Revert "implementation of changes for generalization" by @jpannizzo in #194
- small updates by @jpannizzo in #195
- fix loadscript problems by @nsmina914 in #196
- Nicole debug volumes by @jpannizzo in #197
- experiment list updates + merge with nicoles code + black formatting by @jpannizzo in #198
- error messages for < 2d sampler data by @nsmina914 in https://g...
Django 3.1 update
This release works and is tested with Django 3.1 and all other related packages are updated accordingly!