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Python libraries for DELPH-IN

pyDelphin is a set of Python libraries for the processing of DELPH-IN data. It doesn't aim to do heavy tasks like parsing or treebanking, but rather to provide Python modules for loading a variety of DELPH-IN formats, such as [incr tsdb()] profiles or Minimal Recursion Semantics representations. These modules offer a programmatic interface to the data to enable developers or researchers to boostrap their own tools without having to re-invent the wheel. pyDelphin also provides a front-end tool for accomplishing some tasks such as refreshing [incr tsdb()] profiles to a new schema, creating sub-profiles, or converting between MRS representations (SimpleMRS, MRS XML, DMRS, etc.).


API documentation is available here:

Usage Examples

Here's a brief example of using the itsdb library:

>>> from delphin import itsdb
>>> prof = itsdb.ItsdbProfile('/home/goodmami/logon/dfki/jacy/tsdb/gold/mrs')
>>> for row in prof.read_table('item'):
...     print(row.get('i-input'))
  降っ 太郎  吠え   開い 太郎  次郎  追っ  .
>>> next(prof.read_table('result')).get('derivation')
'(utterance-root (91 utterance_rule-decl-finite -0.723739 0 4 (90 head_subj_rule -1.05796 0 4 (87 hf-complement-rule -0.50201 0 2 (86 quantify-n-rule -0.32216 0 1 (5 ame-noun 0 0 1 ("雨" 1 "\\"雨\\""))) (6 ga 0.531537 1 2 ("が" 2 "\\"が\\""))) (89 vstem-vend-rule -0.471785 2 4 (88 t-lexeme-c-stem-infl-rule 0.120963 2 3 (14 furu_1 0 2 3 ("降っ" 3 "\\"降っ\\""))) (24 ta-end -0.380719 3 4 ("た" 4 "\\"た\\""))))))'

Here's an example of loading a SimpleMRS representation:

>>> from delphin.codecs import simplemrs
>>> m = simplemrs.loads_one('[ LTOP: h1 INDEX: e2 [ e TENSE: PAST MOOD: INDICATIVE PROG: - PERF: - SF: PROP ASPECT: DEFAULT_ASPECT PASS: - ] RELS: < [ udef_q_rel<0:1> LBL: h3 ARG0: x6 [ x PERS: 3 ] RSTR: h5 BODY: h4 ] [ "_ame_n_rel"<0:1> LBL: h7 ARG0: x6 ] [ "_furu_v_1_rel"<2:3> LBL: h8 ARG0: e2 ARG1: x6 ] > HCONS: < h5 qeq h7 > ]')
>>> m.ltop
>>> for r in m.rels:
...     print(r.pred)
>>> print(simplemrs.dumps_one(m, pretty_print=True))
  RELS: < [ udef_q_rel<0:1> LBL: h3 ARG0: x6 [ x PERS: 3 ] RSTR: h5 BODY: h4 ]
          [ "_ame_n_rel"<0:1> LBL: h7 ARG0: x6 ]
          [ "_furu_v_1_rel"<2:3> LBL: h8 ARG0: e2 ARG1: x6 ] >
  HCONS: < h5 qeq h7 > ]

Here is the TDL lexer:

>>> from delphin import tdl
>>> list(tdl.lex(['identifier := supertype & [ ATTR.SUBATTR value ].']))
[(1, 'TYPEDEF', ['identifier', ':=', 'supertype', '&', '[', 'ATTR', '.', 'SUBATTR', 'value', ']', '.'])]

And here is how to use the TDL syntax highlighter:

>>> from delphin.extra.highlight import TdlLexer
>>> from pygments import highlight
>>> from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter
>>> highlight('identifier := supertype & [ ATTR.SUBATTR value ].', TdlLexer(), HtmlFormatter())
'<div class="highlight"><pre><span class="nc">identifier</span> <span class="o">:=</span> <span class="n">supertype</span> <span class="o">&amp;</span> <span class="p">[</span> <span class="na">ATTR.SUBATTR</span> <span class="n">value</span> <span class="p">].</span>\n</pre></div>\n'

And here's how to compile, parse, and generate with the ACE wrapper:

>>> from delphin.interfaces import ace
>>> ace.compile('../jacy/ace/config.tdl', 'jacy.dat')
>>> ace.parse('jacy.dat', '犬 が 吠える')
{'SENT': '犬 が 吠える', 'NOTES': ['1 readings, added 183 / 54 edges to chart (22 fully instantiated, 26 actives used, 11 passives used)\tRAM: 730k'], 'WARNINGS': [], 'RESULTS': [{'DERIV': '(267 utterance_rule-decl-finite 4.367251 0 3 (266 head_subj_rule 2.906826 0 3 (263 hf-complement-rule -0.956762 0 2 (262 quantify-n-rule 0.215732 0 1 (10 inu-noun 0.049650 0 1 ("犬" 7 "token [ +FORM \\"犬\\" +FROM \\"0\\" +TO \\"1\\" +ID diff-list [ LIST list LAST list ] +POS pos [ +TAGS null +PRBS null ] +CLASS non_ne [ +INITIAL luk ] +TRAIT token_trait +PRED predsort +CARG \\"犬\\" ]"))) (17 ga 0.150269 1 2 ("が" 8 "token [ +FORM \\"が\\" +FROM \\"2\\" +TO \\"3\\" +ID diff-list [ LIST list LAST list ] +POS pos [ +TAGS null +PRBS null ] +CLASS non_ne [ +INITIAL luk ] +TRAIT token_trait +PRED predsort +CARG \\"が\\" ]"))) (265 unary-vstem-vend-rule 3.336552 2 3 (264 ru-lexeme-infl-rule 2.257695 2 3 (18 hoeru_1 0.000000 2 3 ("吠える" 9 "token [ +FORM \\"吠える\\" +FROM \\"4\\" +TO \\"7\\" +ID diff-list [ LIST list LAST list ] +POS pos [ +TAGS null +PRBS null ] +CLASS non_ne [ +INITIAL luk ] +TRAIT token_trait +PRED predsort +CARG \\"吠える\\" ]"))))))', 'MRS': '[ LTOP: h0 INDEX: e2 [ e TENSE: pres MOOD: indicative PROG: - PERF: - ASPECT: default_aspect PASS: - SF: prop ] RELS: < [ udef_q_rel<0:1> LBL: h4 ARG0: x3 [ x PERS: 3 ] RSTR: h5 BODY: h6 ]  [ "_inu_n_rel"<0:1> LBL: h7 ARG0: x3 ]  [ "_hoeru_v_1_rel"<4:7> LBL: h1 ARG0: e2 ARG1: x3 ] > HCONS: < h0 qeq h1 h5 qeq h7 > ]'}], 'ERRORS': []}
>>> res1 = ace.parse('jacy.dat', '犬 が 吠える')['RESULTS'][0]['MRS']
>>> ace.generate('jacy.dat', res1)
{'WARNING': None, 'ERROR': None, 'SENT': None, 'NOTE': None, 'RESULTS': ['犬 が 吠える']}

pyDelphin Tool

The provided pyDelphin top-level script enables you to perform some actions at the command-line instead of programmatically through the API. With pyDelphin, you can filter and select from [incr tsdb()] profiles, write sub-profiles, and apply operations to the data. The pyDelphin code takes care of filling in default values and escaping delimiters for you. For example, to select the i-id and i-input fields from the item table and print them to stdout, use the select sub-command:

$ ./pyDelphin --input ~/logon/dfki/jacy/tsdb/gold/mrs \
              select item:i-id@i-input
11@雨 が 降っ た .
21@太郎 が 吠え た .

The pyDelphin script has several sub-commands with their own options, similar to how Subversion has svn commit and svn update. The current set of sub-commands is:

  • select : selecting and printing data from an [incr tsdb()] profile
  • mkprof : output a new [incr tsdb()] profile or skeleton
  • compare : compare bags of MRSs (a lightweight way to see if performance has changed in a profile)

Some options of pyDelphin work for all sub-commands, while others work only for a specific command. Try running pyDelphin -h to get global help, and pyDelphin {command} -h to get help specific to a {command}.

If you want to, for example, remove the spaces in i-input, you can use --apply to apply a Python expression to the field. The expression is applied on every column specified, and the variable x is the value at the current column.

$ ./pyDelphin --input ~/logon/dfki/jacy/tsdb/gold/mrs \
              --apply item:i-input "x.replace(' ','')" \
              select item:i-id@i-input

The variable row is also available in the expression if a column specifier is provided. It is a dictionary containing all data in the row, so this is equivalent to the previous:

$ ./pyDelphin --input ~/logon/dfki/jacy/tsdb/gold/mrs \
              --apply item:i-input "row['i-input'].replace(' ','')" \
              select item:i-id@i-input

The --filter option is defined much like --apply, but instead of changing the value of a cell, it filters the results that are returned. The expression should, therefore, return a value that can be evaluated as True or False. The command below finds all items that have the word "雨":

$ ./pyDelphin --input ~/logon/dfki/jacy/tsdb/gold/mrs \
              --filter item:i-input "'雨' in x" \
              select item:i-id@i-input
11@雨 が 降っ た .
71@太郎 が タバコ を 次郎 に 雨 が 降る と 賭け た .
81@太郎 が 雨 が 降っ た こと を 知っ て い た .

The --cascade-filters option, if set, filters rows in tables that depend on a filtered table. For example, we can select the MRSs of items whose i-input contains the word "雨":

$ ./pyDelphin --input ~/logon/dfki/jacy/tsdb/gold/mrs \
              --filter item:i-input "'雨' in x" --cascade-filters \
              select result:mrs
[ LTOP: h1 INDEX: e2 [ e TENSE: PAST MOOD: INDICATIVE PROG: - PERF: - SF: PROP ASPECT: DEFAULT_ASPECT PASS: - ] RELS: < [ udef_q_rel<0:1> LBL: h3 ARG0: x6 [ x PERS: 3 ] RSTR: h5 BODY: h4 ] [ "_ame_n_rel"<0:1> LBL: h7 ARG0: x6 ] [ "_furu_v_1_rel"<2:3> LBL: h8 ARG0: e2 ARG1: x6 ] > HCONS: < h5 qeq h7 > ]
[ LTOP: h1 INDEX: e2 [ e TENSE: PAST MOOD: INDICATIVE PROG: + PERF: - SF: PROP ASPECT: DEFAULT_ASPECT PASS: - ] RELS: < [ def_q_rel<0:1> LBL: h3 ARG0: x4 RSTR: h5 BODY: h6 ] [ named_rel<0:1> LBL: h7 ARG0: x4 CARG: "tarou_2" ] [ udef_q_rel<2:3> LBL: h8 ARG0: x11 [ x PERS: 3 ] RSTR: h10 BODY: h9 ] [ "_ame_n_rel"<2:3> LBL: h12 ARG0: x11 ] [ "_furu_v_1_rel"<4:5> LBL: h13 ARG0: e14 [ e TENSE: PAST MOOD: INDICATIVE PROG: - PERF: - SF: PROP ASPECT: DEFAULT_ASPECT PASS: - ] ARG1: x11 ] [ "_koto_n_nom_rel"<6:7> LBL: h15 ARG0: x16 ARG1: h17 ] [ udef_q_rel<6:7> LBL: h18 ARG0: x16 RSTR: h20 BODY: h19 ] [ "_shiru_v_1_rel"<8:9> LBL: h21 ARG0: e2 ARG1: x4 ARG2: x16 ] > HCONS: < h5 qeq h7 h10 qeq h12 h20 qeq h15 h17 qeq h13 > ]

Rather than selecting data to send to stdout, you can also output a new [incr tsdb()] profile with the mkprof sub-command. The new profile contains the tables and rows of the input profile after filters and applications have been used. By default, the relations file of the input profile is copied, but it is possible to use a different one with the --relations option. For example, the following command refreshes a profile to a new relations file:

$ ./pyDelphin --input ~/logon/dfki/jacy/tsdb/gold/mrs \
              mkprof ~/logon/dfki/jacy/tsdb/gold/mrs-refreshed \
              --relations ~/logon/lingo/lkb/src/tsdb/skeletons/english/Relations

Using filters, sub-profiles can be created, which may be useful for testing different parameters. For example, to create a sub-profile with only items whose i-length is less than 10, do this:

$ ./pyDelphin --input ~/logon/dfki/jacy/tsdb/gold/mrs \
              --filter item:i-length "int(x) < 10"
              mkprof ~/logon/dfki/jacy/tsdb/gold/mrs-short

Installation and Requirements

pyDelphin is developed for Python 3. The NetworkX library is necessary for the MRS package. Pygments is required for TDL syntax highlighting.

Likely pyDelphin does not need to be installed to be used. You can adjust PYTHONPATH to include the pyDelphin directory, or copy the delphin/ subdirectory into your project's main directory.

If you want to have the delphin packages generally available for importing, you can use the provided script to install (you may need to run the following as root):

$ ./ install

The script, unfortunately, does not have an uninstall/remove option, so in order to remove an installed pyDelphin, you'll need to track down and remove the files that were installed (in your Python site packages).


The following packages/modules are available:

  • itsdb: [incr tsdb()] profiles
  • mrs: Minimal Recursion Semantics
  • tdl: Type-Description Language (currently just lexing)
  • extra.highlight: Pygments-based syntax highlighting (currently just for TDL)
  • interfaces.ace: Python wrapper for common tasks using ACE

And the following libraries are planned:

  • A module for working with derivation trees
  • A SEM-I processor


Python libraries for DELPH-IN







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  • Python 94.9%
  • Makefile 2.6%
  • Shell 2.5%