- Navbar implemented
- Navbar styling using classnames pkg (it makes conditional styling very easy)
- Seting up prisma,configuring .env database-url
- datagrid configured and db is working correctly connection tested-ok
- prisma client is working
- post request created app>api>issues>route.tsx,zod used,thnuderclient or postman
- daisy ui is working
- issue page created with daisyui
- created new issue page and added markdown editor
- data stored in db used simple fetch to hit post request and useRouter hook to redirect to previous page
- const data = await prisma.issue.findMany(); just this much code to retrive data from database and do whatever you want to do with that data
- added skeleton loading in loading.tsx and used npm pkg react-loading-skeleton to do so this pkg makes it very easy to implement skeleton loading in any app.
- added [id] folder and fetch unique data form DB using prisma
- added page.tsx in id and seperate loading for that page
- app/components/issuebadge is created and it takes props as string
- added style to this page
- added delay to enhance ui/ux and used delay npm pkg
- loading.tsx added in [id]>loading.tsx and used react-skeleton pkg
- editor in issues/new page is ssr but requires client side events so we make it client component
- refactoring and organising all imports in components folder
Created many pathc api and created reusable component in _components folder (the _component folder will not appera in routing coz it starts with _ it is good conventioncompanies uses) many updatrs hav been added and bugs fixes
- refer code fro Issueform inside _components folder , api>issues>[id]>route.tsx
- kind of mess happened in code 😓
- fixed caching issue
- to referesh the page, so to do that we have several options but most commonly used client side method is call-> router.referesh() after router.push('/issue/edit') etc pages
- reactsimpleMDE editor which is present in edit and new issues files is maked client side using this const IssueForm=dynamic(()=>import('@/app/issues/components/IssueForm'),{ssr:false ,loading:()=>})
- added seperate loading.tsx in new and edit issue folder and rendered using abovee loading:()=> loading.tsx->cmp
- added one loading.tsx in _components folder to make it reusable and reuse it in edit and new issues page.tsx
refresh the issue page and click on create new issue page and see skeleton loading of parent is showing first then html is rendered need to fix it
same bug in edit issue age and new issue page not fixed till now
- this is a bug presnet in current version of next js however we can slove thi by breaking the hierarchy of the routes but i am not fixing it coz it will make route ugly and refer 47.7
api created to delete issue form db (alway screate a api req wehenever you need to communicate with DB)
DeleteIssuebutton added to issue>[id]>DeleteIssueButton.tsx containes all the code to delete issue also using fetch delete to delete the data from db
imporving loading and added spinner in delete button
- refer this docs https://next-auth.js.org/providers/google
- watch mosh from 48.1,49.2,50.3 to setup next-auth
- do as he does and ou will get results
- successfully implemented next-auth
- added these button in navbar cmp also used session refer 51.4
- styling these links
- seperated these links in different files and created LoginCard.tsx app>components/LoginCard.tsx
- created login links in NavBar.tsx
-login links are apperarign after some time so we added skeleton loading to improve user experience
most imp reviously we are using AUTH_SECRET but we are next-auth so use NEXTAUTH_SECRET NEXTAUTH_SECRET
while using AUTH_SECRET as secret name ithis error is occuring [next-auth][warn][NO_SECRET] https://next-auth.js.org/warnings#no_secret
NEXTAUTH_SECRET=Ah78Knw2bjrdOy2puqeLujL5YgKY2N37EDE/+gbrA+E= #no need to wrap it in string but it is fine
always use NEXTAUTH if you are using next-auth -->NEXTAUTH_URL=http://localhost:3000 #no need to wrap it in string but it is fine
- create a new middleware.tsx at the root level
- Middleware functoin is a function that gets executed on each request , all the requests that we define in middleware.tsx file in his object export const config={ matcher:[ '/issues/new', '/issues/:id/edit' ] }
- used getServerSession in C:\Users\HP\Desktop\nextjs-projects\issuetrackerapp\app\issues[id]\page.tsx this file
- used session if true then display btns else not
- in each api>auth>routes we define getServerSession( Provider object ) Provider obj path-app/auth/ProviderObjext.ts
- in each POST DELETE request we define this and if(!session) then we sended nextresonse ad 401 unauthenticated
- this cmp is used assign issue to users is present in issues/_cmps folder
- assign cmp full working with fetch
- every time fetch is not good so we are using react quwery to do so
- created seperate branch for fetch
we have used tankstack.com React Query to fetch and cach data in efficient way now need to to fetch data every time we edit issue or etc
created ReactQuery.tsx in app>ReactQuery.tsx and imported it in layout.tsx and wrap all body cmp to ReactQuer
React Query worked dont check type at useQuery instead check it later on.....
- created relation between user and issue schema 62.5
- Updated PATCH request in ap>api>issues>[id]>route.tsx, created new zod schema, 43.6
- tested api using postman and all done
- implemented assignee full function if one issue is assigned to a user and if we reload the page , the previously assigned user will show
- Refactored assigne cmp
- added filterComponent of daisy ui to issue page
- filter component fully implemented with full functionalities
- from next/navigation I used router
- router.push,filter cpm file created and some updates IssuePagecmp
bug fixes if user enters wrong query http://localhost:3000/issues?filterBy=OPENasd
- const status=Object.values(Status) console.log(status); const finalStatus=status.includes(filterBy)?filterBy:undefined; const data = await prisma.issue.findMany({ where: { status: finalStatus } });
- this code is used 68.2
Link href={/issues?filterBy=${filterBy}&orderBy=${value}}> th
ausing between issuepage file making filter query
added filter issue with column name and by status (open close in progress)
some bugs in 71.5 but not fixed filter url issue not fixed
- generated dummy data for issue page
- created pagination cmp in global cmps folder
- it uses use router and use searchparams hook
- working properly
- fully woring pagination done
created LatestIssue.tsx to fetch 5 latest issue from db
created layout for dashboard to show issues with logo of user to whome the issue is assigned
const data = await prisma.issue.findMany({ where: { status: finalStatus }, orderBy: orderBy ? { {[orderBy]}: "asc" } : undefined, skip: (Page - 1) * pageSize, take: pageSize, });and const issues = await prisma.issue.findMany({ orderBy: { createdAt: "desc" }, take: 5, include: { assignToUser: true }, }); this type of new params in prisa query skip take and include
- refer dashboard page and issue for details
- new file addded in alldashboardCMP > IssueSummary.tsx
- in dash board created 3 cards showing total issues with status
- made the issue summary card clickable to apply filterBy
- created issueBarChart in alldashboardCMP
- added bar chart cmp to home page-landing page
- added ue friendlty ui and styled al cmps and made them responsive
- meta data means
the text inside this img is meta data
- code used export const metadata:Metadata ={ title: "Issue Tracker - View All Issues", description: "All Issues Here", }
here more key-value are available but for this instance we only define title and description we can also add image etc ....
- just add above code in the bottom bo the page where you want to change meta data
- issuetrackerapp\app\issues[id]\page.tsx
- in this xmp we are requesting 2 quereis for same data so instead we used react cache to get data once and can be used
- const fetchUser=cache((issueId: number) => prisma.issue.findUnique({ where: { id: issueId } }));
- always create dummy .env file so that other users can use your repo
- it is a tool to track all issues bugs in our app and inform use when issue occur in user app
- mysql cant be deployed on production coz planetscale is not giving free access and others also
- may be in future will try
- dated 06-07-2024