Imagen - [38]
A continuación se exponen los recursos de interés que fueron utilizados como referencia para el desarrollo de esta publicación.
- [1] - Web oficial
- [2] - Documentación oficial
- [44] - Preguntas frecuentes oficiales
- [3] - Consola interactiva
- [50] - Blog oficial
- [4] - Let's Go: Object-Oriented Programming in Golang
- [5] - SOLID Go Design
- [6] - Is Go An Object Oriented Language?
- [7] - Object Orientation In Go
- [8] - Design Patterns for Humans!
- [40] - Java Design Patterns - Example Tutorial
- [41] - Design patterns implemented in Java
- [42] - Design Patterns in Java Tutorial
- [45] - Why extends is evil
- [46] - Inheritance vs Composition
- [51] - Go is not good
- [53] - Go at Google: Language Design in the Service of Software Engineering
- [9] - Publicaciones académicas
- [10] - GoHotDraw: Evaluating the Go Programming Language with Design Patterns - Frank Schmager, Nicholas Cameron, James Noble
- [11] - Karl Seguin, "The Litte Go Book", 2014
- [12] - Hemant Jain, "Data Structures & Algorithms In Go" - WOW, 2017
- [13] - Matt Aimoneaatti, "Go Bootcamp" - 2014
- [14] - Aaron Torres, "Go Cookbook" - Packt, 2017
- [15] - Mario Castro Contreras, "Go Design Patterns" - Packt, 2017
- [16] - Vladimir Vivien, Mario Castro Contreras, Mat Ryer, "Go: Design Patterns for Real-World Projects" - Packt, 2017
- [17] - Matt Butcher, Matt Farina, "Go In Practice" - Manning, 2016
- [18] - Mat Ryer, "Go Programming Blueprints Second Edition" - Packt, 2016
- [19] - Shiju Varghese, "Go Recipes" - Apress, 2016
- [20] - Mihalis Tsoukalos, "Go Systems Programming" - Packt, 2017
- [21] - Sau Sheong Chang, "Go Web Programming" - Manning, 2016
- [22] - Vladimir Vivien, "Learning Go Programming" - Packt, 2016
- [23] - Nathan Zozyra, "Learning Go Web Development" - Packt, 2016
- [24] - Daniel Whitenack, "Machine Learning With Go" - Packt, 2017
- [25] - Jan Newmarch, "Network Programming with Go" - Apress, 2017
- [26] - Nathan Zozyra, Mat Ryer, "Go: Building Web Applications" - Packt, 2016
- [27] - Mark Summerfield, "Programming in Go" - Addison-Wesley Professional, 2012
- [28] - Thorsten Ball, "Writing an Interpreter in Go" - 2016
- [29] - Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides, "Patrones de Diseño" - Addison Wesley, 2002
- [30] - Junade Ali, "Mastering PHP Design Patterns" - Packt, 2016
- [48] - Robert C. Martin, "Agile Software Development, Principles, Patterns, and Practices" - Alan Apt Series, 2002
- [52] - Caleb Doxsey, "Introducing Go" - O'Reilly, 2016
- [31] - Go for Javaneros
- [32] - Rob Pike - Simplicity is Complicated
- [33] - Rob Pike - Go Proverbs
- [34] - Francesc Campoy - Google Understanding Go Interfaces
- [35] - Dave Cheney - SOLID Go Design
- [36] - William Kennedy - Golang OOP - Composition in Go
- [37] - Librerías, paquetes y framewoks
- [38] - Gophers oficiales
- [39] - Gophers libres
- [43] - Índice Tiobe
- [47] - Go logos
- [49] - UCA - Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina
- [54] - Python - Glosario
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