Simple lua-based web server with minimal dependencies.
* As of now, Ladle doesn't support anything except GET request (POST is planned in nearest future)
* There's still no lua api (to be fixed soon)
Has a simplistic mechanism for extensions, which avails to extend server's functionality by adding handlers for specific filetypes. See extensions/generic.lua
No pages other than index file for web root directory should match index*
, otherwise they may be treated as index pages and be shown instead of actual index.
Configuration is stored in config.lua. In case the file doesn't exist or lacks fields, Ladle falls back to default values.
- Lua interpreter
- LuaSocket
- LFS for lua scripts and pages in web root
Via modules:
- Lua scripts (.lua)
- Lua pages (.lp)
<http response headers>\r\n
<html code>
<? lua code ?>
<html code>
To start the Ladle web server:
$ lua Ladle.lua
The server supports one command line parameter: port. All other parameters are set in the config file.
Still no way to stop the server gently, only ^C^C in the terminal.