See the below diagram to see how the domain has been modelled
- PUT /merchandise/{merchandiseId}/offer
- GET /merchandise/{merchandiseId}/offer/{offerId}
- DELETE /merchandise/{merchandiseId}/offer/{offerId}
- "Merchandise" is the generalised term used here to describe a product or service
- Merchandise may have more than one offer associated with it, so should allow the user to create multiple offers for the same merchandise identifier.
- Users of the APIs will already have the merchandise ID (product or service ID) for which they want to create an offer for.
- Offers which are not currently active will not be returned when fetching them (404 Not Found).
- Offers which have expired will not be returned, and instead an appropriate HTTP error response will be sent (410 Gone)
- Cancelling an offer will not remove that offer from the Database. Instead it will be marked as inactive
- Creating an offer will return the offer ID which was created. This can then be used for further querying.
- There is validation of the fields on the create endpoint. In the case that fields fail the validation, the server will return a HTTP 422 status with a response body with the list of field failures in the request
- Currently there is only one supported merchandise type, which is 'Product'. The solution has been design so this can be easily extended upon.
Some data has been pre-loaded into the in-memory Database on application start. There is currently only 1 merchant (seller), and 1 merchandise (product) in the Database.
To test the API's using a REST client (Postman or CURL), use the following URL's with a Content-Type header of application/json
when using PUT:
- For GET and DELETE: http://localhost:8080/merchandise/f1cad633-863d-443c-a494-c993fdee8d4f/offer/b32c7b98-83f4-4733-a751-aeb069c2320c
- For PUT: http://localhost:8080/merchandise/f1cad633-863d-443c-a494-c993fdee8d4f/offer
With the PUT request, some content will need to be sent to the server. Use the following JSON structure (modify as you wish):
"expiryDate": "2019-01-01",
"description": "Product 1",
"currencyCode": "GBP",
"priceAmount": 20
This project is packaged using Maven, so from the command line you can simply run:
mvn clean test
This is a Spring Boot application, and so you can either run the main application class (
) directly from the IDE or run it in Maven using mvn spring-boot:run
This project uses Spring Boot deployed in an embedded tomcat servlet container. It uses Spring Web for the web layer and Spring Data JPA for persisting the data into an in-memory H2 database.