- I'm specialize in building responsive, high-performance web applications using Next.js and TypeScript.
- I'm a software engineering student at the Technical University of Moldova.
- I'm interested in the field of AI, being a member of Sigmoid.
- Schedule generator for university (Xmas FAF Hackathon 2023, 2nd Place)
- ePetiții (ESN Hackathon 2023, TechBridge Hackathon 2023, 1st Place)
- Dialoguri Peste Nistru: Unind Voci în Armonie (Peace Accelerator Hackathon 2023, 4th Place)
- Absences management for university (Summer FAF Hackathon 2023, 3rd Place
- TradeIt - Bartering Application (Improved version of the project developed during the Xmas FAF Hackathon 2022, 1st Place)