- Contributor/Translator of Stanford CS229 - Machine Learning | Stanford CS230 - Deep Learning
- Course notes & homeworks
↗️ IBM Machine Learning Professional Certificate - Course notes & homeworks
↗️ IBM Generative AI Professional Certificate - damminhtien/react-moduleless-boilerplate
↗️ An easily scalable, module-less boilerplate with the best dX and a focus on best practices - - BKFA/express-mvc
↗️ Templating expressJS and Dockering - - RADA Contributor - NFT4CHARITY An open sourced blockchain project to help make Charity Campaigns BETTER.
- Compensation Data Analysis Analysis compensation data from VietTech
- damminhtien/awesome-semantic-segmentation
↗️ awesome-semantic-segmentation - list of awesome things around semantic segmentation - damminhtien/c-dsa
↗️ Code C/C++ examples by implement popular data-structures and algorithms, network programming, os - damminhtien/py-dsa
↗️ Implementations of machine learning algorimths - - damminhtien/machine-learning-in-production-course-notes
↗️ Machine Learning in Production Course Notes on Coursera - damminhtien/github-user-analysis
↗️ Use GitHub’s own API to draw insights - - damminhtien/fly-chat
↗️ Chat and play tic-tac-toe with your friends - - typescript.short
↗️ Short and simple bullet points about Typescript 💛 - - damminhtien/theses-management
↗️ Theses management system 2018 - - damminhtien/newtab-music-visualization
↗️ Music bar in new tab (chrome extension) -
T. M. Dam et al., "Ar*: a Bounded Suboptimal Search algorithm using Conditional Node Re-expansion Policy," 2023 14th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC), Jeju Island, Korea, Republic of, 2023, pp. 985-990, doi: 10.1109/ICTC58733.2023.10393240. keywords: {Costs;Games;Maintenance engineering;Benchmark testing;Information and communication technology;Robots;Optimization;A* algorithm;path planning;bounded suboptimal search;weighted A*} 🌟 Best Paper Award (Main Track)
M. H. Le*, M. T. Dam*, V. H. Bui, M. T. Nguyen and A. T. Nguyen, "Two level obstacles avoidance method for manned aircrafts," 2022 13th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC), Jeju Island, Korea, Republic of, 2022, pp. 1552-1556, doi: 10.1109/ICTC55196.2022.9952388. keywords: {Cloud computing;Heuristic algorithms;Buildings;Cost function;Information and communication technology;Object recognition;Aircraft manufacture;flight route builder;obstacles avoidance;turn angle},. [Slide]