Notes and discoveries on the KLAS VoyagerCell Duo and KlasOS from an outsider PoV
- some kind of linux
- klasOS shell is clish-powered
- libvirt, openvswitch
- main os bin runs everywhere, changes what it can do based on hardware IDs
- vmware? "GuestOS". voyagercell? "voyagerVMm" (lol)
scripts seem to have a lot of nice documentation about each piece of kit
- it's in the lab
- it's a manpack celltower in a box
- external ports - 2x ethernet, 1x console
- has onboard wifi, but can swap for a modem
- it's an amalgation of two products that got welded together as klas grew up
- voyagerVMm: virtualization server. core i7-7600u, 32gb ram, 256gb samsung 850.
- 4GAP1000: 1-5W eNodeB. Various band options. Basically a femtocell connected internally
- it runs klasOS, then klasOS in a VM with a chroot that contains a customized version of Druid Raemis
- default license seems to be for 2x eNodeB, 50 users. nice.
- default cli on the VM console is klas's clish, but also includes a cisco 5921 image (unlicensed)
- voyagerVMm has lots of untapped power to run local compute, PBX, etc