A custom integration for Blueair Filters. If your model isn't reported correctly please open a ticket and include your model name and the diagnostic file from the integration.
- fan
- speed
- turn off/on
- preset modes: night/auto (if supported)
- light
- brightness
- turn off/on
- sensors
- Filter Replacement
- Humidity
- Connectivity
- Temperature
- PM 1
- PM 2.5
- PM 10
- switches
- child lock
- germ shield
- wick dry
- climate (T10i/T20i only)
- humidifier (H35i only)
You can install this either manually copying files or using HACS. Configuration can be done on UI, you need to enter your username and password, (I know, translations are missing).
If you receive an error while trying to login, try resetting your password to one with no special characters except '!' and no longer then 10 characters.
If you receive an error, please go through these steps;
- Enabled Debug Logging, at /config/integrations/integration/ha_blueair
- Restart you home assistant to capture initialization with debug logging, then try to do what your having trouble with
- Disable Debug Logging, at /config/integrations/integration/ha_blueair (which will download the logs)
- Click the three dots menu for your device, at /config/integrations/integration/ha_blueair
- Click Download Diagnostics
- Attach both logs and diagnostics to your issue ticket.