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Davide Ficano edited this page Apr 5, 2013 · 1 revision

Change HTML output

Table2Clipboard allows to filter the HTML tags output, users can choose to emit

  • Links
  • Images
  • Styles
  • HTML form tags (like <input />s, <button />s and so on)

Filter attributes

Filters mentioned above work on tags not on attributes, starting from version 1.5 it is possible to filters attributes, too.

Suppose you want to output only the attributes id or a more fine grained filter that emits only the attribute src but only for <img/>s.

Filter attributes syntax

Filter can be specified on HTML Settings Dialog using a special syntax.

<tag name>.[-]<attribute name>


<tag name> can be * to indicate all tags or use a valid tag name like img, td, body and so on.

<attribute name> can be * to indicate all attributes or use a valid attribute name like src, class, id

To exclude an attribute it's necessary to specify - (dash) before its name

Both tag and attribute names are case insensitive

Filter examples

Description Filter pattern
Exclude all attributes *.-*
Exclude all attributes but leave image src and links *.-* img.src a.href
Exclude align for <td/>, exclude bgcolor for all tags except for <td/> td.-align td.bgcolor *.-bgcolor
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