This requires the Paperclip Gem plugin.
- Put the file into ./lib/paperclip_processors/
- Modify your model like so:
- Note: I'm using Mongoid::Paperclip
Class Foo
include Mongoid::Paperclip
field :caption_top, :type => String
field :caption_top_font, :type => String
field :caption_top_font_size, :type => Integer
field :caption_bottom, :type => String
field :caption_bottom_font, :type => String
field :caption_bottom_font_size, :type => Integer
has_mongoid_attached_file :image, :processors => [:captions]
- line 21 - 25: Pulling the instance values from the object (in the example case "Foo"
- line 42 - 56: Creating the top caption and merging it into the image
- line 58 - 74: Creating the bottom caption and merging it into the image
- line 76 - 85: Resizing the image if necessary
Email me at [email protected] for questions/comments! Fork and send a pull request for fixes!