This is maintenance release which include bugfixes:
- Issue #71 reported by @Codelica fixed now.
- All DockerHub images rebuild with Alpine 3.20 as base image (armv61 images still on v.
Read carefully before upgrading.
If you are running OpenVPN Server with legacy server.conf
location - --config /etc/openvpn/config/server.conf
(version then
Please be sure to update your container to the latest version 0.5.1 or create symlink to legacy server.conf
ln -s ~/openvpn-server/config/server.conf ~/openvpn-server/server.conf
For Raspberry-Gateway or openvpn-aws it is better to create new symlink or move file permanently.
For everyone who have version
or higher installed - please ignore this alert.
Here is updated Dockerhub tags:
updated latest
release (which is at the moment)
What's in the plans:
- UI improvemnts for best usability.
- More bugfixes for new functionality.
- Gracefull MFA during network transitions.
- Possible integration with external smtp server to sending QR codes over the email.
Features list.
No new features added in this release.
- Status page that shows server statistics and list of connected clients
- Supports OpenVPN tunnel(
dev tun
) or bridge(dev tap
) server configurations - Easy to generate, download, renew, revoke, delete and view client certificates
- Client can have secret passphrase and static IP assigned during client certificate generation
- Two factor authentication (2FA) support
- Change predefined EasyRSA vars including certificates and CRL expiration time
- Maintain EasyRSA PKI infrastructure (init, build-ca, gen-dh, build-crl, gen-ta, revoke)
- Change OpenVPN Server configuration via web interface
- Easy to preview OpenVPN Server logs
- Restart OpenVPN Server and OpenVPN UI from web interface
- OpenVPN-UI users management. Administrators has full access, regular users to Certificates management, logs and status page only.
- OpenVPN-UI Admin user and password can be passed via environment variables to container
- Updated infrustracture:
- Alpine Linux 3.20, as fastest and secure base image
- GoLang 1.22.3
- Beego 2.2.1 with all vulnerabilities fixed
- Easy-rsa 3.X
- Openssl 3.X
- OpenVPN 2.6.10 Server is fully compatible
- Compatible OpenVPN Server images can be found on Docker Hub - d3vilh/openvpn-server:latest
- As well as Openvpn-UI itself - d3vilh/openvpn-ui:latest
- Support any architecture, ready images for AMD64 and ARM available on Docker Hub.
Full Changelog: