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Deployment of Vermessung

Requirements on the server

Whether in a local or online deployment, several things are required to allow Symfony to run properly on a server:

  • PHP, version 8.0 at least

  • Composer

Clone the git repository locally or on a server

A public git repository is associated with the project Vermessung. To clone it locally or on a server, run the command :

git clone

We move in the folder

cd vermessung

Install project dependencies

To install project dependencies from composer.json file, run the command :

composer install

Configure database access and environment variables

Access the .env file at the root of the project. On the DATABASE_URL line, fill in your connection information to your own database in the form:

DATABASE_URL="mysql://db_user:[email protected]:3306/db_name?serverVersion=5.7"

Configure the database or with the Makefile

Create the database if it does not already exist :

php bin/console doctrine:database:create --if-not-exists or make sf-dc

Perform migrations in the database to create the different tables :

php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate or make sf-dmm

Add false data automatically generated in the database (OPTIONAL), an admin account will be created

In order to test the project in conditions close to reality, it is possible to generate users, as well as measures automatically to fill the database as well as the site. To do this, run the command:

php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load ou make sf-fixtures

Run the server

php bin/console server:run or make sf-start

Create an admin account to manage the site

php bin/console doctrine:query:sql "INSERT INTO user(id,email,roles,password,lastname,firstname,picture,company,is_verified,phone) VALUES (UUID(),'email','['ROLE_ADMIN']','hash_mot_de_passe','nom_utilisateur','prenom_utilisateur','photo','company','2022-08-06 17:13:11','1','phone');"

Comme l'exemple:

INSERT INTO user VALUES (15,'[email protected]','["ROLE_ADMIN"]','$2y$13$2UdMQSEcgrMj0xkVgmTx6.0tqK5riv3zCu.DMwgntsfY/kaia7Bl.','Nom','Prénom','photo','company','2022-08-06 17:13:11','1','phone');

Accounts already created on the online site.

Admin: [email protected] password: admin

craftsman: [email protected] password:azerty / isVerified =true

craftsman: [email protected] password:azerty / isVerified =false

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