SSHDog is your go-anywhere lightweight SSH server. Written in Go, it aims to be a portable SSH server that you can drop on a system and use for remote access without any additional configuration.
Useful for:
- Tech support
- Backup SSHD
- Authenticated remote bind shells
Supported features:
- Windows & Linux
- Configure port, host key, authorized keys, user credentials
- Pubkey and password authentication
- Port forwarding
- SCP (but no SFTP support)
Example usage:
% go build .
% ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -N '' -f config/ssh_host_rsa_key
% echo 2222 > config/port
% cp ~/.ssh/ config/authorized_keys
% echo 'user pass' > config/users
% rice append --exec sshdog
% ./sshdog
[DEBUG] Adding hostkey file: ssh_host_rsa_key
[DEBUG] Adding authorized_keys.
[DEBUG] Listening on :2222
[DEBUG] Waiting for shutdown.
[DEBUG] select...
From: David Tomaschik [email protected]
This is not a Google product, merely code that happens to be owned by Google.