MPI version of CosmoGRaPH Code ( plus more features:
- Fully general relativistic BSSN+z4c code with block-structured adaptive-mesh-refinement support powered by SAMRAI (, which is an infrastructure has been demonstrated to be scalable to million cores.
- Elliptical solver which supports any kind of terms and any number of equations;
- Support different matter fields, e.g., vacuum, dust fluid and scalar field;
- AHFinderDirect ( is included as apparent horizon finder;
- Module that calculates spin of black hole;
- Support calculating Wyel scalars to generate GWs;
- General relativistic ray tracing;
- git
- hdf5
- cmake
- fftw3
- a compiler with c++11 support
- SAMRAI, appropriate version is included as sub-module
Clone this repository (and SAMRAI)
git clone --recursive
Make directory to install SAMRAI
mkdir obj
cd obj
Configure SAMRAI
sh ../SAMRAI/configure [--with-hdf5=/parent/path/of/hdf5.h] --with-F77=gfortran
Build and install SAMRAI
make library
make tools
make install
Optionally build SAMRAI's documentation:
make dox
(documentation will be in obj/docs/samrai-dox)
Create a build directory for GR_AMR
cd ..
mkdir build
cd build
Make the program
cmake ..
Run it! (Example: ./cosmo ../input/static_blackhole.input
Now, very limited documentation can be generated by using doxygen:
cd docs
doxygen doxyfile