Automate patch deploy patch for FCUBS that can deploy EAR(s) on weblogic and compile DB units on Oracle DB. This bash script is tested in linux server and is meant for silent installation of patches
Usage: ./ /path/to/property/file.prop /path/to/patch_directory
call with 2 arguments
arg#1 property file that would the required environment variables
arg#2 directory that contains patch units
1) The script should be run in a machine having WLST configured, and also should have connection to Oracle DB using sql*plus.
Ideally this would be run from Weblogic server where both the above will be available.
2) property file should export the below environment variables. Ideally there will be one property file per environment.
Variable name Particulars
DBCONN DB connection properties that will be used by sql*plus to connect to DB (usually user/password@tnsname)
JS_LOCATION Directory on the WLS server where JS files will be copied
UIXML_LOCATION Directory on the WLS server where UIXML files will be copied
UIXML_LANG UIXML Language sub-directory(ies). If there are multiple Language Directories, separate them with spaces
PATCH_BACKUP_LOCATION Backup of JS/UIXML/EARs will be copied into this directory under patch sub-directory, before applying the patch
PATCH_LOG_LOCATION A log file will be written in this directory
WLS_USERNAME User Name to connect to WLS
WLS_PASSWORD Weblgoc user Password
WLS_URL Weblogic Admin Server URL
DB_FILE_ORDER Database file extensions in the order in which it has to be applied.
wlst Path to will be under oracle_common/common/bin/ folder in Weblgoic 12c
source /fullpath/ --Add this line before exporting ORACLE_HOME.This is required for WLST to work.
ORACLE_HOME Oracle Home for sql*plus
ps: if you do not want to save the password in the property files, then you change it to accept the password at user prompts and then construct the environment variables accordingly.
echo "Enter Schema Password :"
read -s db_pwd
export DB_CONN=dbschema/${db_pwd}@tnsname
echo "Enter WebLogic Server Password :"
3) The patch_directory can be any directory wherein the units will be kept in respective sub-directories.
The script will scan through all the files and sub-directories under this patch_directory, and identify the units to apply.
The DB units will be identified based on the extensions given in "DB_FILE_ORDER"
The JS files should have .js extensions
UIXML files will have .XML extension. UIXML files should be kept in the respective LANG folders
EAR files should have .ear extension. The EAR files should be already present in WLS deployment. The script will just do a re-deploy. if the EAR file is not already deployed, then the script will not be able to re-deploy.
The utility will check if any of the above mentioned files are present, and if found it will apply the units after taking necesary backups
DB server units (i.e. objects such as Package,package body, function, procedure, trigger etc) will be backed up in the table cstb_patch_backup. This table and a procedure pr_patch_backup should be pre-compiled in the DB, by running the file patch_backup.ddl
AP server units (i.e. JS,UIXML,EAR files) will be backed up in the PATCH_BACKUP_LOCATION, under patch sub-directory. The sub-directories will be created by the script