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zhaoxi-scut committed Apr 26, 2024
1 parent 46e5b44 commit 3818d58
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Showing 15 changed files with 723 additions and 191 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -2,9 +2,9 @@


| 构建配置 | 编译器/环境 | Github Actions 工作流状态 |
| :------: | :---------: | :----------------------------------------------------------: |
| CMake | GCC 12.3.0 | [![1.x in Linux](]( |
| 构建配置 | 编译器/环境 | Github Actions 工作流状态 |
| :------: | :-------------------------------: | :--------------------------------------: |
| CMake | GCC 7.5.0 x86_64-linux-gnu<br />GCC 9.4.0 x86_64-linux-gnu<br />GCC 12.3.0 x86_64-linux-gnu | [![1.x in Linux](]( |

RMVL 最初是面向 RoboMaster 赛事的视觉库,因此称为 RoboMaster Vision Library,现计划并逐步完善与机器人相关的视觉、控制、通信的功能,旨在打造适用范围广、使用简洁、架构统一、功能强大的视觉控制一体库。

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29 changes: 10 additions & 19 deletions cmake/RMVLUtils.cmake
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Expand Up @@ -183,38 +183,27 @@ function(status text)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 下载并参与 RMVL 的构建
# 下载并参与 RMVL 的构建,支持 URL 和 GIT
# 用法:
# rmvl_download(
# <dl_name> <dl_kind>
# <...>
# )
# 示例 1:
# rmvl_download(
# googletest URL
# xxx
# googletest URL "xxx"
# )
# 示例 2:
# rmvl_download(
# benchmark GIT
# xxx : master
# benchmark GIT "xxx : master"
# )
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function(rmvl_download dl_name dl_kind)
if(NOT "${dl_kind}" MATCHES "^(GIT|URL)$")
message(FATAL_ERROR "Unknown download kind : ${dl_kind}")
function(rmvl_download dl_name dl_kind dl_info)
string(TOLOWER "${dl_kind}" dl_kind_lower)
# get url-string
list(LENGTH ARGN argn_length)
if(NOT argn_length EQUAL 1)
message(FATAL_ERROR "Argument \"\$\{ARGN\}\" count must be 1 in the function \"rmvl_download\"")
list(GET ARGN 0 web_url)
# use git
if("${dl_kind_lower}" STREQUAL "git")
string(REGEX MATCH "(.*) : (.*)" RESULT "${web_url}")
string(REGEX MATCH "(.*) : (.*)" RESULT "${dl_info}")
set(git_url "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}")
set(git_tag "${CMAKE_MATCH_2}")
message(STATUS "Download ${dl_name} from \"${git_url}\" (tag: ${git_tag})")
Expand All @@ -224,12 +213,14 @@ function(rmvl_download dl_name dl_kind)
GIT_TAG ${git_tag}
# use url
message(STATUS "Download ${dl_name} from \"${web_url}\"")
elseif("${dl_kind_lower}" STREQUAL "url")
message(STATUS "Download ${dl_name} from \"${dl_info}\"")
URL ${web_url}
URL ${dl_info}
message(FATAL_ERROR "Unknown download kind : ${dl_kind}")
# make available
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion doc/header.html
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<div id="titlearea">
<!--#include virtual="/google-search.html"-->
<script type="text/javascript" src="/version.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/docs/version.js"></script>
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr style="height: 56px;">
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183 changes: 183 additions & 0 deletions doc/tutorials/modules/core/
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@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
扩展卡尔曼滤波 {#tutorial_modules_ekf}

@author 赵曦
@date 2024/04/19
@version 1.0
@brief 扩展卡尔曼滤波





相关类 rm::ExtendedKalmanFilter


在阅读本教程前,请确保已经熟悉标准的 @ref tutorial_modules_kalman ,因为核心公式不变,只是在原来的基础上增加了非线性函数线性化的部分。

### 1. 非线性函数的线性化


\f[\begin{align}\dot{\pmb x}&=A\pmb x+B\pmb u\\\pmb y&=C\pmb x\end{align}\tag{1-1}\f]


\f[\begin{align}\dot{\pmb x}_k&=A\pmb x_{k-1}+B\pmb u_{k-1}+\pmb w_{k-1}&&\pmb w_{k-1}\sim N(0,Q)\tag{1-2a}\\
\pmb z_k&=H\pmb x_{k-1}+\pmb v_k&&\pmb v_k\sim N(0,R)\tag{1-2b}\end{align}\f]


\f[\left\{\begin{align}\dot{\pmb x}_k&=\pmb f_A(\pmb x_{k-1},\pmb u_{k-1},\pmb w_{k-1})\\
\pmb z_k&=\pmb f_H(\pmb x_{k-1},\pmb v_{k-1})\end{align}\right.\tag{1-3}\f]

其中,\f$\pmb f_A\f$ 和 \f$\pmb f_H\f$ 都为非线性函数。我们在非线性函数中同样考虑了噪声,但是对于状态量以及观测量本身的噪声而言,<span style="color: red">正态分布的随机变量通过非线性系统后就不再服从正态分布了</span>。因此我们可以利用 **泰勒展开** ,将非线性系统线性化,即

\f[f(x)\approx f(x_0)+\frac{\mathrm df}{\mathrm dx}(x-x_0)\tag{1-4}\f]


\f[f(x,y,z)\approx f(x_0,y_0,z_0)+\begin{bmatrix}f'_x(x_0,y_0,z_0)&f'_y(x_0,y_0,z_0)&f'_z(x_0,y_0,z_0)\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}x-x_0\\y-y_0\\z-z_0\end{bmatrix}\tag{1-5a}\f]

\f[f(\pmb x)\approx f(\pmb x_0)+\ptl fx(\pmb x-\pmb x_0)=f(\pmb x_0)+\nabla f(\pmb x_0)(\pmb x-\pmb x_0)\tag{1-5b}\f]

#### 1.1 状态方程线性化 {#ekf_state_function_linearization}

对公式 \f$\fml{1-2a}\f$ 在 \f$\hat{\pmb x}_{k-1}\f$ 处进行线性化,即选取 \f$\text{k-1}\f$ 时刻的后验状态估计作为展开点,有

\f[\pmb x_k=\pmb f_A(\hat{\pmb x}_{k-1},\pmb u_{k-1},\pmb w_{k-1})+J_A(\pmb x_{k-1}-\hat x_{k-1})+W\pmb w_{k-1}\tag{1-6}\f]

令 \f$\pmb w_{k-1}=\pmb 0\f$,则 \f$f_A(\hat{\pmb x}_{k-1},\pmb u_{k-1},\pmb w_{k-1})=f_A(\hat{\pmb x}_{k-1},\pmb u_{k-1},\pmb 0)\stackrel{\triangle}=\tilde{\pmb x}_{k-1}\f$,有

\f[\red{\pmb x_k=\tilde{\pmb x}_{k-1}+J_A(\pmb x_{k-1}-\hat x_{k-1})+W\pmb w_{k-1}\qquad W\pmb w_{k-1}\sim N(0,WQW^T)\tag{1-7}}\f]


\f[\begin{align}J_A&=\left.\ptl{f_A}{\pmb x}\right|_{(\hat{\pmb x}_{k-1},\pmb u_{k-1})}=\begin{bmatrix}\ptl{{f_A}_1}{x_1}&\ptl{{f_A}_1}{x_2}&\cdots&\ptl{{f_A}_1}{x_n}\\\ptl{{f_A}_2}{x_1}&\ptl{{f_A}_2}{x_2}&\cdots&\ptl{{f_A}_2}{x_n}\\\vdots&\vdots&\ddots&\vdots\\\ptl{{f_A}_n}{x_1}&\ptl{{f_A}_n}{x_2}&\cdots&\ptl{{f_A}_n}{x_n}\end{bmatrix}\\
W&=\left.\ptl{f_A}{\pmb w}\right|_{(\hat{\pmb w}_{k-1},\pmb u_{k-1})}\end{align}\f]

#### 1.2 观测方程线性化 {#ekf_observation_function_linearization}

对公式 \f$\fml{1-2b}\f$ 在 \f$\hat{\pmb x}_k\f$ 处进行线性化,有

\f[\pmb z_k=\pmb f_H(\tilde{\pmb x}_k,\pmb v_k)+J_H(\pmb x_k-\tilde x_k)+V\pmb v_k\tag{1-8}\f]

令 \f$\pmb v_k=\pmb 0\f$,则 \f$f_H(\tilde{\pmb x}_k,\pmb v_k)=f_H(\tilde{\pmb x}_k,\pmb 0)\stackrel{\triangle}=\tilde{\pmb z}_k\f$,有

\f[\red{\pmb z_k=\tilde{\pmb z}_k+J_H(\pmb x_k-\tilde x_k)+V\pmb v_k\qquad V\pmb v_k\sim N(0,VRV^T)\tag{1-9}}\f]


\f[J_H=\left.\ptl{f_H}{\pmb x}\right|_{\tilde{\pmb x}_k},\qquad V=\left.\ptl{f_H}{\pmb v}\right|_{\tilde{\pmb x}_k}\f]

### 2. 扩展卡尔曼滤波

#### 2.1 公式汇总

根据卡尔曼滤波的 @ref kalman_filter_formulas 可以相应的改写非线性系统下的卡尔曼滤波公式,从而得到如下的扩展卡尔曼滤波公式。

**① 预测**

1. <span style="color: teal">先验状态估计</span>
\f[\hat{\pmb x}_k^-=\pmb f_A(\pmb x_{k-1},\pmb u_{k-1},\pmb 0)\f]

2. <span style="color: teal">计算先验误差协方差</span>

**② 校正(更新)**

1. <span style="color: teal">计算卡尔曼增益</span>

2. <span style="color: teal">后验状态估计</span>
\f[\hat{\pmb x}_k=\hat{\pmb x}_k^-+K_k\left[\pmb z_k-\pmb f_H(\hat{\pmb x}_k^-,\pmb 0)\right]\f]

3. <span style="color: teal">更新后验误差协方差</span>

#### 2.2 EKF 模块的使用


#include <cstdio>
#include <random>
#include <rmvl/core/kalman.hpp>

int main()
// 状态量 x = [ cx, cy, θ, ω, r ]ᵀ
// ┌ cx ┌ 1 0 0 0 0 ┐
// │ cy │ 0 1 0 0 0 │
// 状态方程 F = │ θ + ωT Ja = │ 0 0 1 T 0 │ = A
// │ ω │ 0 0 0 1 0 │
// └ r └ 0 0 0 0 1 ┘
// 观测量 z = [ px, py, θ ]ᵀ
// ┌ cx + rcosθ ┌ 1 0 -rsinθ 0 cosθ ┐
// 观测方程 H = │ cy + rsinθ Jh = │ 0 1 rcosθ 0 sinθ │
// └ θ └ 0 0 1 0 0 ┘

// 正态分布噪声
std::default_random_engine ng;
std::normal_distribution<double> err{0, 1};

// 创建扩展卡尔曼滤波
rm::EKF53d ekf;
ekf.init({0, 0, 0, 0, 150}, 1e5);
ekf.setQ(1e-1 * cv::Matx<double, 5, 5>::eye());
ekf.setR(cv::Matx33d::diag({1e-3, 1e-3, 1e-3}));
double t{0.01};
// 设置状态方程(这里的例子是线性的,但一般都是非线性的)
ekf.setFa([=](const cv::Matx<double, 5, 1> &x) -> cv::Matx<double, 5, 1> {
return {x(0),
x(2) + x(3) * t,
// 设置观测方程
ekf.setFh([=](const cv::Matx<double, 5, 1> &x) -> cv::Matx<double, 3, 1> {
return {x(0) + x(4) * std::cos(x(2)),
x(1) + x(4) * std::sin(x(2)),

while (true)
// 预测部分,设置状态方程 Jacobi 矩阵,获取先验状态估计
ekf.setJa({1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, t, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 1});
auto x_ = ekf.predict();
// 更新部分,设置观测方程 Jacobi 矩阵,获取后验状态估计
ekf.setJh({1, 0, -x_(4) * std::sin(x_(2)), 0, std::cos(x_(2)),
0, 1, x_(4) * std::cos(x_(2)), 0, std::sin(x_(2)),
0, 0, 1, 0, 0});
// 以 20 为半径,0.02/T 为角速度的圆周运动(图像上是顺时针),并人为加上观测噪声
auto x = ekf.correct({500 + 200 * std::cos(0.02 * i) + err(ng),
500 + 200 * std::sin(0.02 * i) + err(ng),
0.02 * i + 0.01 * err(ng)});
printf("x = [%.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f]\n", x(0), x(1), x(2), x(3), x(4));

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