Simple UI for CEPH storage
Languages / 简体中文
Start a web server as an agent of remote CEPH storage.
Firstly, create a JSON file and put into your CEPH storage connection configurations. Only SWIFT style connection config is acceptable now.
// swift.json
"endPoint" : "",
"subuser" : "userName:subUserName",
"key" : "380289ba59473a368c593c1f1de6efb0380289ba5",
"container" : "containerName"
ATTENTION: All above options but container are necessary.
Then, run ceph-agent
passing path of the JSON file.
# Install globally.
npm install -g ceph-agent
# Start agent (an HTTP proxy to CEPH storage service).
ceph-agent swift.json
By default, an HTTP service listening on port 7000 will be started. You may access the CEPH storage via http://localhost:7000/.
# Display help info.
ceph-agent -h | --help
# Start the agent (proxy server) and listen the specified port.
ceph-agent -p | --port <port>
# Specify the connection config file.
# By default, ceph-agent will try the "ceph.json" or "swift.json" in current
# working directory.
ceph-agent -C | --connection <path/to/connection-config.json>
const CephAgent = require('ceph-agent');
const conn = {
"endPoint" : "",
"subuser" : "userName:subUserName",
"key" : "380289ba59473a368c593c1f1de6efb0380289ba5",
"container" : "containerName", /* OPTIONAL */
const agent = new CephAgent(conn, { basepath: '/myceph/' });
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -- CASE 1: Start HTTP server directly.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -- CASE 2: Return a listener.
conset handler = agent.getHandler();
// In express.
app.use('/myceph/*', handler);