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a new command line binary for computing the distance using shimmer pa…
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…irs from the *.mapg.idx file. No SW like alignment. The offset computing may need some improvement.
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cschin committed Nov 20, 2024
1 parent ccebf8f commit 8180205
Showing 1 changed file with 384 additions and 0 deletions.
384 changes: 384 additions & 0 deletions pgr-bin/src/bin/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
const VERSION_STRING: &str = env!("VERSION_STRING");
use clap::{self, CommandFactory, Parser};
use kodama::{linkage, Method};
use rustc_hash::{FxHashMap, FxHashSet};
use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader, BufWriter, Write};
use std::path::Path;
use std::{fs::File, path};

/// Generate alignment scores between sequences using bundle decomposition from a principal bundle bed file
#[derive(Parser, Debug)]
#[clap(name = "pgr-pbundle-bed2dist")]
#[clap(author, version)]
#[clap(about, long_about = None)]
struct CmdOptions {
/// the path to the principal bundle bed file
idx_file_path: String,
/// the prefix of the output file
output_prefix: String,

type Smps = Vec<(String, u32, u32, u8)>; // shmmr_string, bgn, end, orientation

fn align_smps(smps0: &Smps, smps1: &Smps) -> (f32, usize, usize, i64, isize) {
// return: dist, diff_len, max_len, best_score, best_offset
let mut smp_to_frags0 = FxHashMap::<(String, u8), Vec<(u32, u32)>>::default();
let mut smp_to_frags1 = FxHashMap::<(String, u8), Vec<(u32, u32)>>::default();
let mut all_smps = FxHashSet::<(String, u8)>::default();
let mut length0 = 0_u32;
let mut length1 = 0_u32;
smps0.iter().for_each(|(frag_id, bgn, end, orientation)| {
let e = smp_to_frags0
.entry((frag_id.clone(), *orientation))
e.push((*bgn, *end));
all_smps.insert((frag_id.clone(), *orientation));
length0 += *end - *bgn;

smps1.iter().for_each(|(frag_id, bgn, end, orientation)| {
let e = smp_to_frags1
.entry((frag_id.clone(), *orientation))
e.push((*bgn, *end));
all_smps.insert((frag_id.clone(), *orientation));
length1 += *end - *bgn;

let mut match_score = 0_i32;
let mut diff_len = 0_u32;
let mut offsets = Vec::<(i32, u32)>::new();
for smp in all_smps {
if smp_to_frags0.contains_key(&smp) && smp_to_frags1.contains_key(&smp) {
let frags0 = &smp_to_frags0[&smp];
let frags1 = &smp_to_frags1[&smp];
let l0 = frags0.iter().map(|v| v.1 - v.0).sum::<u32>();
let l1 = frags1.iter().map(|v| v.1 - v.0).sum::<u32>();

if frags0.len() == frags1.len() {
match_score += (l0 + l1) as i32;
for i in 0..frags0.len() {
let (bgn0, _end0) = frags0[i];
let (bgn1, _end1) = frags1[i];
if frags0.len() == 1 {
// only use unique ones
offsets.push((bgn1 as i32 - bgn0 as i32, l0 + l1));
} else {
match_score += u32::min(l0, l1) as i32 - l0.abs_diff(l1) as i32;
diff_len += l0.abs_diff(l1);
} else if smp_to_frags0.contains_key(&smp) {
let frags0 = &smp_to_frags0[&smp];
let l0 = frags0.iter().map(|v| v.1 - v.0).sum::<u32>();
match_score -= l0 as i32;
diff_len += l0;
} else if smp_to_frags1.contains_key(&smp) {
let frags1 = &smp_to_frags1[&smp];
let l1 = frags1.iter().map(|v| v.1 - v.0).sum::<u32>();
match_score -= l1 as i32;
diff_len += l1;

let mut offset_clusters = Vec::<Vec<(i32, u32)>>::new();
const MERGE_LENGTH: i32 = 16;

let mut current_cluster = Vec::<(i32, u32)>::new();
let mut current_offset: Option<i32> = None;
for (offset, length) in offsets {
if let Some(last_offset) = current_offset {
if offset - last_offset < MERGE_LENGTH {
current_offset = Some(offset);
current_cluster.push((offset, length));
} else {
current_offset = Some(offset);
current_cluster.push((offset, length));
} else {
current_offset = Some(offset);
current_cluster.push((offset, length));
if !current_cluster.is_empty() {
if offset_clusters.is_empty() {
return (1.0, diff_len as usize, usize::MAX, match_score as i64, 0);
offset_clusters.sort_by_key(|v| -(v.len() as isize));
let best_cluster = &offset_clusters[0];
let ave_offset = best_cluster.iter().map(|v| v.0).sum::<i32>() / best_cluster.len() as i32;
let max_len = best_cluster.iter().map(|v| v.1).sum::<u32>();
let dist = 1.0 - 0.5 * (match_score as f32 / (length0 + length1) as f32 + 1.0_f32);
// return: dist, diff_len, max_len, best_score, best_offset
diff_len as usize,
max_len as usize,
match_score as i64,
ave_offset as isize,

type Contigs = FxHashMap<u32, (String, String, u32)>; // contig_id -> contig_name, source, length
type FragMap = FxHashMap<String, (u32, u32, u32, u8)>; // shmmr string -> seq_id, bgn, end, orientation
type CtgToFrags = FxHashMap<String, Smps>; // contig_id -> shmmr_string, bgn, end, orientation

fn main() -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
let args = CmdOptions::parse();
let shmmr_idx_filename = path::Path::new(&args.idx_file_path);
let shmmr_idx_file =
BufReader::new(File::open(shmmr_idx_filename).expect("can't open the bed file"));
//let mut ctg_data = FxHashMap::<String, Vec<_>>::default();
let shmmr_idx_file_parse_err_msg = "shmmr idx file parsing error";
let mut contigs = Contigs::default();
let mut frag_map = FragMap::default();
let mut ctg_to_frags = CtgToFrags::default();
shmmr_idx_file.lines().for_each(|line| {
let line = line.unwrap().trim().to_string();
if line.is_empty() {
let t = &line[0..1];
match t {
"#" | "K" => {}
"C" => {
let idx_fields = line.split('\t').collect::<Vec<&str>>();
let ctg_id: u32 = idx_fields[1].parse().expect(shmmr_idx_file_parse_err_msg);
let ctg_name: String = idx_fields[2].to_string();
let source = idx_fields[3].to_string();
let length: u32 = idx_fields[4].parse().expect(shmmr_idx_file_parse_err_msg);
contigs.entry(ctg_id).or_insert((ctg_name, source, length));
"F" => {
let idx_fields = line.split('\t').collect::<Vec<&str>>();
let frag_id = idx_fields[1].to_string();
let seq_id: u32 = idx_fields[3].parse().expect(shmmr_idx_file_parse_err_msg);
let bgn: u32 = idx_fields[4].parse().expect(shmmr_idx_file_parse_err_msg);
let end: u32 = idx_fields[5].parse().expect(shmmr_idx_file_parse_err_msg);
let orientation: u8 = idx_fields[6].parse().expect(shmmr_idx_file_parse_err_msg);
.or_insert((seq_id, bgn, end, orientation));
let ctg = contigs
let e = ctg_to_frags.entry(ctg.clone()).or_default();
e.push((frag_id, bgn, end, orientation));
_ => panic!("{}", shmmr_idx_file_parse_err_msg),

let ctg_to_frags = ctg_to_frags
.map(|(k, mut v)| {
v.sort_by_key(|k| k.1);
(k, v)

let n_ctg = ctg_to_frags.len();

let out_path = Path::new(&args.output_prefix).with_extension("dist");
let mut out_file = BufWriter::new(File::create(out_path).expect("can't create the dist file"));

let mut dist_map = FxHashMap::<(usize, usize), f32>::default();
let mut offset_map = FxHashMap::<(usize, usize), isize>::default();
let mut min_dist = 0.0_f32;
let mut max_dist = 1.0_f32;
.flat_map(|ctg_idx0| (0..n_ctg).map(move |ctg_idx1| (ctg_idx0, ctg_idx1)))
.for_each(|(ctg_idx0, ctg_idx1)| {
if ctg_idx0 > ctg_idx1 {
let (ctg0, ctg0_smps) = &ctg_to_frags[ctg_idx0];
let (ctg1, ctg1_smps) = &ctg_to_frags[ctg_idx1];
let (dist, diff_len, max_len, best_score, best_offset) =
align_smps(ctg0_smps, ctg1_smps);
"{} {} {} {} {} {} {}",
ctg0, ctg1, dist, diff_len, max_len, best_score, best_offset
.expect("writing error");

if ctg_idx1 != ctg_idx0 {
"{} {} {} {} {} {} {}",
ctg1, ctg0, dist, diff_len, max_len, best_score, -best_offset
.expect("writing error");
min_dist = if dist < min_dist { dist } else { min_dist };
max_dist = if dist > max_dist { dist } else { max_dist };
dist_map.insert((ctg_idx0, ctg_idx1), dist);
offset_map.insert((ctg_idx0, ctg_idx1), best_offset);
offset_map.insert((ctg_idx1, ctg_idx0), -best_offset);

let w = max_dist - min_dist + 0.01;
dist_map.iter_mut().for_each(|(_k, v)| {
*v = (*v - min_dist + 0.01) / w;
let mut dist_mat = vec![];
(0..n_ctg - 1).for_each(|i| {
(i + 1..n_ctg).for_each(|j| {
dist_mat.push(*dist_map.get(&(i, j)).unwrap());
let dend = linkage(&mut dist_mat, n_ctg, Method::Average);

let steps = dend.steps().to_vec();
let mut node_data = FxHashMap::<usize, (String, Vec<usize>, f32)>::default();
(0..n_ctg).for_each(|ctg_idx| {
node_data.insert(ctg_idx, (format!("{}", ctg_idx), vec![ctg_idx], 0.0_f32));

let mut last_node_id = 0_usize;
steps.iter().enumerate().for_each(|(c, s)| {
let (node_string1, nodes1, height1) = node_data.remove(&s.cluster1).unwrap();
let (node_string2, nodes2, height2) = node_data.remove(&s.cluster2).unwrap();
let new_node_id = c + n_ctg;
let mut nodes = Vec::<usize>::new();
let new_node_string = if nodes1.len() > nodes2.len() {
"({}:{}, {}:{})",
s.dissimilarity - height1,
s.dissimilarity - height2
} else {
"({}:{}, {}:{})",
s.dissimilarity - height2,
s.dissimilarity - height1
node_data.insert(new_node_id, (new_node_string, nodes, s.dissimilarity));
last_node_id = new_node_id;

let mut tree_file = BufWriter::new(
.expect("can't create the nwk file"),

let emptyp_string = ("".to_string(), vec![], 0.0);
let (tree_string, nodes, _) = node_data.get(&last_node_id).unwrap_or(&emptyp_string);
writeln!(tree_file, "{};", tree_string).expect("can't write the nwk file");

let mut dendrogram_file = BufWriter::new(
.expect("can't create the dendrogram file"),

let mut offset_file = BufWriter::new(
.expect("can't create the alignment offset file"),

let mut node_position_size = FxHashMap::<usize, ((f32, f32), usize)>::default();
let mut position = 0.0_f32;
let mut offset = 0_isize;
let mut p_idx: Option<usize> = None;
let mut offset_group = Vec::<_>::new();
let mut group_min_offset = 100000_isize;
nodes.iter().for_each(|&ctg_idx| {
node_position_size.insert(ctg_idx, ((position, 0.0), 1));
ctg_idx, ctg_to_frags[ctg_idx].0
.expect("can't write the dendrogram file");
position += 1.0;
if let Some(p_idx) = p_idx {
let (idx0, idx1) = if p_idx < ctg_idx {
(p_idx, ctg_idx)
} else {
(ctg_idx, p_idx)
if *dist_map.get(&(idx0, idx1)).unwrap_or(&1.0) < 0.25 {
offset += *offset_map.get(&(p_idx, ctg_idx)).unwrap_or(&0);
offset_group.push((ctg_idx, offset));
if offset < group_min_offset {
group_min_offset = offset;
} else {
offset_group.iter().for_each(|&(ctg_idx, offset)| {
offset - group_min_offset
.expect("can't write the offset file");
group_min_offset = 100000_isize;
offset = 0;
} else {
offset_group.push((ctg_idx, offset));
p_idx = Some(ctg_idx)

offset_group.iter().for_each(|&(ctg_idx, offset)| {
offset - group_min_offset
.expect("can't write the offset file");

steps.into_iter().enumerate().for_each(|(c, s)| {
let ((pos0, _), size0) = *node_position_size.get(&s.cluster1).unwrap();
let ((pos1, _), size1) = *node_position_size.get(&s.cluster2).unwrap();

let pos = ((size0 as f32) * pos0 + (size1 as f32) * pos1) / ((size0 + size1) as f32);
c + n_ctg,
.expect("can't write the dendrogram file");
node_position_size.insert(c + n_ctg, ((pos, s.dissimilarity), s.size));
let mut node_positions = node_position_size
.collect::<Vec<(usize, ((f32, f32), usize))>>();
node_positions.sort_by(|a, b| a.0.partial_cmp(&b.0).unwrap());

.for_each(|(vid, ((pos, h), size))| {
writeln!(dendrogram_file, "P\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}", vid, pos, h, size)
.expect("can't write the dendrogram file");

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