Blockchain developer at Etherspot.
- 😄 Pronouns: he/him
- 🔭 2022 goals: Nest.js, TypeScript.
- 💬 Ask me about anything an everything.
- ⚡ Fun fact: I love to draw and read fantasy books
- Javascript/Node.js/React/Typescript/Nest.js
- Dart/Flutter
- Solidity(EVM)
- Web3.js/Truffle/Ganache
- Ethers.js/Hardhat/Waffle
- Mocha/Chai/OZ Test Helpers
- Manual auditing/Slither
- Weathify (Hosted | Repo) - A weather app using OpenWeather API.
- Monster Search (Hosted | Repo) - A monster searching app built using React.
- RideTheDuck (Repo) - An all in one travel companion app made with React Native & Firebase.
- EthSwap (Hosted | Repo) - An Ethereum token swapper created with Solidity and React.
- ColorNFT (Hosted | Repo) - A NFT minter based on hexadecimal color codes created with Solidity and React.
- DecTube (Hosted | Repo) - A decentralised video sharing platform built with React and IPFS.
- Portfolio (Hosted | Repo) - My decentralized portfolio site running on IPFS built with React (currently a work in progress).