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Genealogy is a journey, and it often involves uncovering fascinating stories about your ancestors. This application tries to help you enjoy the process! :)

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Family tree

Another genealogy / family tree application


Intro to genealogy trees

Creating a genealogy tree involves researching, organizing, and presenting information about your family's history. Here are some best practices to consider when creating a genealogy tree:

  • Start with Yourself: begin with your own information and work backward;
  • Collect information from family members, old documents, photos, and any existing family records;
  • Keep track of your sources. Document where you found each piece of information, whether it's an official document, family Bible, or oral history;
  • Strive for accuracy in all details. Cross-check information from different sources to ensure its reliability;
  • Collaborate with other family members interested in genealogy;
  • Be mindful of privacy concerns, especially for living individuals. Avoid sharing sensitive or private information without consent;
  • Genealogy is an ongoing process. Regularly update your family tree as new information becomes available, and continue your research;
  • Familiarize yourself with genealogical research methods, historical context, and record-keeping practices.

Remember, genealogy is a journey, and it often involves uncovering fascinating stories about your ancestors. Enjoy the process and consider joining genealogy communities for support and additional resources.

Project details

Considerations on the choices made in the project

File structure

We will use the following convention for the structure:

  • src/components: Contains the React components, organized by the Atomic Design levels:

    • atoms serve as the fundamental UI components in React, such as buttons, inputs, labels, and icons. They boast high reusability, minimal logic, and accept data through props. For instance, the <Button /> atom component straightforwardly renders a <button> element;
    • molecules on the other hand, are basic combinations of atoms designed for a specific purpose. A molecule like a login form could amalgamate <Input /> and <Button /> atoms. Molecules may include local state and logic;
    • organisms integrate molecules to create intricate UI sections. For instance, a header organism might encompass logo, nav, and user menu molecules. Organisms are highly reusable and often are stateful;
    • templates play the role of orchestrating UI layouts. They bring together organisms into page sections and may establish designated areas for inserting content. An example is the <DashboardTemplate />, which organizes header, sidebar, and body organisms;
    • Pages represent distinct app screens or routes. They integrate templates, organisms, and other components to form comprehensive views. Components like <HomePage /> and <SettingsPage /> function at the page level;
  • src/context: Holds React context providers for managing global state (e.g., authentication, themes);

  • src/data: Holds demo/initial data;

  • src/utils: Contains utility functions, such as API calls, validation functions, and other helper functions;

  • src/hooks: Place for the custom hooks our app uses;

  • src/styles: Contains CSS styles for your application;

  • src/types.ts: Global types used in the application;

  • src/constants.ts: Constants used in the application;

  • src/App.tsx: The main application component where you assemble your routing and global context providers;

  • src/main.tsx: The entry point of your application.

We will store the styles in a single file, as we intend to minimally customize what picocss provides.

Our assets will mainly stay inside the /public folder, for better optimization during the build process with vite. However, we will use the ./src/assets/ folder in case we want to import the assets in javascript.

|-- components/
| |-- atoms/
| | |-- Button.tsx
| | |-- Input.tsx
| | |-- ...
| |-- molecules/
| | |-- LoginForm.tsx
| | |-- ...
| |-- organisms/
| | |-- Header.tsx
| | |-- ...
| |-- templates/
| | |-- DashboardTemplate.tsx
| | |-- ...
| |-- pages/
| | |-- Home.tsx
| | |-- UserProfile.tsx
| | |-- ...
|-- contexts/
| |-- PersonContext.tsx
| |-- ...
|-- data/
| |-- registry.json
| |-- ...
|-- utils/
| |-- api/
| | |-- api.ts
| |-- helpers/
| | |-- validation.ts
| |-- ...
|-- context/
| |-- AuthContext.tsx
| |-- ThemeContext.tsx
| |-- ...
|-- hooks/
| |-- useLocalStorage.ts
| |-- ...
|-- assets/
| |-- images/
| |-- icons/
| |-- ...
|-- styles/
| |-- global.css
|-- types.ts
|-- constants.ts
|-- App.tsx
|-- main.tsx
|-- ...

Visual Studio Code

If you use this editor, you might want to create ./.vscode/settings.json with the following content:

  "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode",
  "eslint.probe": ["javascript", "javascriptreact", "vue"],
  "editor.formatOnSave": true,
  "editor.codeActionsOnSave": ["source.formatDocument", "source.fixAll.eslint"],

  "css.lint.unknownAtRules": "ignore",
  "scss.lint.unknownAtRules": "ignore"

Quick UUID

To get a quick valid UUID, use the browser's console to run this command: console.log(crypto.randomUUID())

Features to be added

  • Enhance and simplify the save functionality;
  • Add better automatic positioning to the elements of the tree;
  • Add print / pdf support;
  • Add language support;
  • Improve the notifications system;
  • Improve the mobile usability.



Genealogy is a journey, and it often involves uncovering fascinating stories about your ancestors. This application tries to help you enjoy the process! :)






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