Releases: crc-org/tray-windows
b75815b Use TryTaskWithRetry to store the pull secret
6b7e23e Add overload for TryTaskWithRetry to send post requests which can be used for setting the pull-secret
d96ffe9 Use TryTaskWithRetry to check if pull secret is set
d3431e0 Add TryTaskWithRetry helper method to retry tasks that are canceled or times out
8d3a9d2 Issue #128 Show error notification if correct pull-secret format is not used
482f4da bump version to
3da872a Issue #124 Use the new config api with http methods
a79cf74 Refactor: add extension method to show NoAwait intent
efd904e Refactor: suppress await/async warning
b95a175 Bump System.Text.RegularExpressions from 4.3.0 to 4.3.1
764055e Set correct filemode on LICENSE file
3f5abf0 Refactor: remove duplication around statuslabel
b3bb2b6 Issue #116 #117 fix local creation of the status label
41e3eeb Refactor: remove duplication around exception handling
49fadeb Issue #114 Add missing TimeoutException check
6c0ba7b Add LICENSE file
7f525dd Refactor: use TryTask for basic exception handling
9ff9f0a Refactor: rename SettingsForm
49bc4b7 Refactor: TaskHandlers -> Tasks
86a5f41 Issue #98 Implement telemetry
ec1869b Fixes #109 Crashes when daemon is not running
5cb8803 Allow stored pull-secret to be changed
c92f667 Refactor; rename exceptions
8cf44a8 Fixes #99 Adds copy-paste dialog for pull-secret
285516d Fixes #100 Use pull-secret API
CodeReady Containers tray
481f700 bump version to
8842c99 Fix pseudostate in statusform
02e7598 Issue #57 #84 use HTTP over named pipes and events for callback
29dd6d6 Find the location of crc relative to tray location
e519422 Fix display of OpenShift status and version
d5d866b VisualStudio complains about a cross-thread exception because the text is updated in an other thread.
1d9992a All api calls returns success: true/false. Check it and throw an exception
d31b2c7 GetLogs always return something to display
f926138 Skip ProxyConfig output in Console and Start result
b408e27 Ignore null values when decoding JSON
b5efafc Add click event handler for pull secret download link label
ccb5581 Remove the sleep(6s) and directly poll for status
346dfc1 Don't show an error dialog when tray fails to get the status
1b622ab Each command has its own connection
CodeReady Containers tray
eaf87a2 bump version to
04fffdb Issue #76 Align controls in pull secret picker form
bcfa1f3 Issue #74 Fix blurry controls and fonts
045fe5b Issue #75 Check openshift version is non empty before updating it on the status window
7211e41 Issue #76 Align controls in advanced tab of settings form
a69a954 Issue #76 Use tablelayoutpanel to align controls in the general tab
CodeReady Containers tray
f7c3200 bump version to
820370c No need to close the socket on the tray side, the daemon closes it once its done writing the response
3590b60 Use QuitApp function to exit application when user clicks on Exit
15cfa78 If the daemon is not able to start then quite the tray app also
466342c Fix location of crc binary for release build of the tray
06c4781 Add missing getter setter in proxyconfig, clusterconfig structs
7372c75 Remove minimum value from numericUpDown controls (memory, cpu, disk size)
b4d131a Add logs view to the status window and rename it to Status and Logs
93c478b Add pull secret window ask user to provide a pull secret file if one is not configured
e593cb0 Show openshift version in the detailed status window
27f96d7 Remove bundle and option for telemetry and tray auto-start to settings window
4a34f38 If status is not running then show it as stopped in the status menuitem
c213971 Fetch status everytime the window is activated
410ca5e Poll for cluster status and always enable all the menu items
755af55 Handle exception occured if cache folder doesn't exists
e72474c Redirect daemon process' stdin so when it is closed the daemon exits
e491f14 Fix issue with missing package for Linux build
8b5e72b Merge pull request #70 from anjannath/issue_65
3eafb8f Issue #65 start the daemon when tray is started
3418adf Create the forms when its first used
f66bc16 CVE-2018-8292 bump version of System.Net.Http to 4.3.4
3ba2824 Only upload the tray binary to artifacts location
99a6e07 Issue #60 Embed all references in the tray assembly
CodeReady Containers tray
648a602 bump version to
87556ed Update System.Text.Encoding.Web to latest version
7a185b0 Change assembly name to crc-tray
ba46ccf Donot generate debug symbols for release build
405690b Add get and set methods for the SetUnsetConfig structure
896db71 Fix the configset and configunset command payload format
1e3bd8e Bump System.Text.Encodings.Web from 5.0.0 to 5.0.1
d9c52e0 Remove unused variable declaration
7ca9e9e Move the apply and refresh button position on the advaced tab
2716ed5 Create the changedconfigs dictionary before using it
2c232a0 Use constants for commands
dc96b79 Simplify generic call
782ac59 Refactor to use generics
8d26ea1 Refactor to use generics
ff47c4f Refactor about form
fec8315 Refactor settings form
84c0730 Refactor task handlers to be UI specific
a5354b4 Consolidate JSON handling
36424df Refactor socket functionality
704184a Cleanup structs
1e4c3b1 Update solution name, use msbuild on Linux and update README
bd0d942 Rename assemblies to CRCTray
a8202f3 Singleton for communication
250ab2e #39 Add missing accessors to JSON struct
c9ae216 Issue #31 Replace Newtonsoft.Json with System.Text.Json
bba5463 Allow builds with .NET v4.7.2 (uses mono stable)
84c2317 Perform nuget restore as before_build
38a0676 Refactor functions in DaemonCommander
77c8eb1 Refactor functions in DaemonCommander
a69b455 Add accessible names and use single button event
fd69656 Change tabindex on Forms
c976e52 Make sure appveyor builds Release target
7206aca Move forms to subfolder
5942617 Merge pull request #29 from gbraad/build-changes
1eff8c7 Optimize usings and move experimental features
43d983f Merge pull request #28 from gbraad/build-changes
44455e6 Some minor build changes
CodeReady Containers tray
- bump version to
- Issue #20 Add missing fields in clusterConfig
- Issue #19 Increase the size of the response buffer
- Issue #19 Catch JSON decoding error in Start handler
- Containerized build
- Fixes #22 Downgrade to .NET 4.5 so Mono 6.8.0 can be used
- Merge pull request #18 from anjannath/version-bump