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<a href= title=Archive>Archive</a></nav></header><main id=main tabindex=-1><main aria-role=main><header class=homepage-header><h1>About</h1></header><div class=homepage-content><p>CRC brings a minimal OpenShift Container Platform 4 cluster or a MicroShift cluster to your local computer. These runtimes provide minimal environments for development and testing purposes. CRC is mainly targeted at running on developers&rsquo; desktops. For other OpenShift Container Platform use cases, such as headless or multi-developer setups, use the <a href=>full OpenShift installer</a>.</p><p>See the <a href=>OpenShift documentation</a> for a full introduction to OpenShift Container Platform.</p><p>CRC includes the <code>crc</code> command-line interface (CLI) to interact with the CRC instance using the desired container runtime.
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