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TASCompBot v0.2

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@kierio04 kierio04 released this 15 Sep 00:34
· 34 commits to py since this release


#18 Speed module:

  • Speed tasks are now able to be run, with custom lengths, descriptions, and reminders available using $/start-task
    • New host commands: $/speedtasklength, $/speedtaskdesc, $/speedtaskreminders, $/togglereminderpings
    • New public command: $/requesttask
  • The bot sends reminders in DMs to all users who request the task
  • The bot is also able to release the task in the final submission period before the deadline, and send out public reminders
  • The bot can assign a preconfigured Submitted role when users' timers have run out

Minor changes:

  • The bot can now close the task automatically given the deadline argument in $/starttask is provided
  • New host command: $/set-deadline
  • New fun commands: $/memory and $quote