Describe the purpose of your role in 1 sentence
To include this role in your ansible repository, add the following to ./requirements.yml
in your repository:
- name: <role-name>
src: <git remote string>
version: <version>
explain what your role does short and concise
- list any roles your role depends on here, including those specified in ./meta/main.yml
- list any python packages your role depends on here, including those specified in .requirements.txt
- list any required costum modules that are not included in ./library here
- list any other requirements here
explain in detail how and when your role should or should not be used and describe all functions and common use cases.
Specify all variables this role accepts here using the provided example table format. Sub-sections and table columns that are not required may be ommitted.
For complex structured variables, a codeblock outlining the schema and a separate table with variable descriptions should be added:
Schema for example_var:
- a_value:
- a_value:
describe variables which are used to influence the behaviour of the entire role
Variable | Type | Required | Default | Description/purpose |
describe variables to be specified per host group here. In a simple use cases, most variables go here
Variable | Type | Required | Default | Description/purpose |
If your role takes variables which are to be specified uniquely for each host in a group as opposed to the entire target host group, describe them here. A typical use case for this would be a role configuring a cluster, where some settings are to be applied to the entire cluster, and others differ per cluster node.
Variable | Type | Required | Default | Description/purpose |
provide an example of how to implement this role in a playbook. provide multiple examples if use cases differ largely
- name: execute my role
hosts: <group of hosts>
gather_facts: true
- role: my_role
ℹ️ This ansible role adheres to the Coven913 ansible role template.