Coven913 is the passion project of a group of experienced IT engineers, developers and enthusiasts from diverse backgrounds.
Our stated mission goal is to make our collective experience on DevOps, infrastructure automation and secure development accessible to anyone.
At this point Coven913 is NOT a for-profit venture, and if it ever becomes one, our work here will always remain separated from our commercial endeavors and open.
We believe strongly in the superiority of open hard- and software. To honor this commitment and encourage others to follow in our footsteps, all code under Coven913 is licensed under the AGPLv3.0 License
Everything published here is explicitly published AS IS and without any warranty or liability. Using our work comes at your own risk, and we make no commitment to support your use of our projects.
If you interact with us, we strongly encourage you to follow our Code of Conduct. Failure to do so will result in etenarl banishment.