Script to help with Spotify library management
I wrote this script because I almost only listen to playlist on Spotify but I add tracks to my library on a regular basis and never listen to them if they are not in playlists.
So, the first goal was to create a playlist to gather all the tracks in my library that were not already in an existing playlist.
As a bonus, I want to be sure that all the tracks in my playlists are also added to my library so if I edit or remove tracks from playlists they are not "lost".
Disclaimer: The script was written for my own personnal use and is probably full of bugs and missing features. I am working on it but may abandon it anytime if I lose interest. I am open to contributions and issues from users. There is no GUI and probably will never be, it is only tested on linux (Ubuntu and Debian).
I suggest you create a dedicated virtualenv and install dependencies with pip:
git clone
cd spotimy
virtualenv .venv
. ./.venv/bin/activate
pip install -Ur requirements.txt
This script uses the spotipy library :
The script uses a config file, stored in ~/.spotimyrc in yaml format, there is an example in the examples folder that you can copy and edit to fit your own needs.
The "nsp" is the name of the playlist that will be filled with tracks that need to be sorted (this playlist should exist on Spotify).
"sp" is a list of playlists that already contain tracks and should be used to check if tracks are already sorted or not.
There is also a tokefile, stored in ~/.spotifytoken, in yaml format too. There is also an example. You can get your token informations on the Spotify developer page:
When everything is setup, launch the script with
python --help
It will gather tracks from all your "sp" playlists and add them to your library.
Each track that is in your library but not in any of your "sp" playlist nor in any of your "saved albums" on Spotify will be added to your "nsp" playlist.
This saves tracks from your "Discover Weekly" selection created by Spotify to a playlist of your choice. This is useful if you don't wan't to miss any Spotify suggestion.
With a playlist name, this action shuffles the specified playlist, else it shuffles all the "rp" playlists.
This action finds duplicated tracks in playlists and keep only one occurence of them.
This action finds playlists that are not handled.
This action finds the specified song (can be the song URI or the song ID 7GwGEc8Gb07LhVJ9CTC9tM) in the "shuffle playlists" and "sort playlists".
You can setup a cron job to do some tasks automatically : add tracks from your playlists to your library, prepare the needs sorting playlist and shuffle your playlists.
python --cron