It is all about Affinidi SDK Majority of this notebooks and presentation is just a material for my youtube videos SDK playlist
I am a big fun of literate programming thats why i use a jupyter lab notebooks. I still playing with proper instruments so some of notebooks are sos-notebooks the newer is regular notebooks with a tslab So sorry for confusion but pls follow a pre-install instructions for every notebook. if you do not see any it is mean we run a tslab one
the simplest way is to use a docker.
docker run -p 8888:8888 -v <repo-folder>:/opt/app/data jdelemar/jupyterlab
CAUTION Image take 1.05 GB
Pls run to install all shared notebook dependencies
npm install
I mention few times in a video that you need api key to run a samples. It is not recomended to share your api key on public. So for all code samples or notebooks you should provide you own key. You could get one for prod env here
together with notebook i try to share a code samples so if you want you could go to code directly