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Fetch API the Contactlab way


$ npm install @contactlab/appy

# --- or ---

$ yarn add @contactlab/appy


Appy try to offer a better model for fetching resources, using the standard global fetch() function as a "backbone" and some principles from Functional Programming paradigm.

The model is built around the concepts of:

  • asynchronous operations (Task)
  • which can fail for some reason (Either)
  • or return data with a specific shape that should be decoded/validated (Decoder).

In order to achieve this, Appy intensely uses:


Note: every sub module/lib is exported into the main index.ts file for a comfortable use.


import {get} from '@contactlab/appy';
// same as:
// import {get} from '@contactlab/appy/lib/request';

  .then(result =>
    result.fold(err => console.error(err), data => console.log(data))

This is a low level module: it uses the standard Web API Fetch function (fetch) in order to make a request to a resource and wraps it in a TaskEither monad.

So, you can:

  • use the standard, clean and widely supported api to make XHR;
  • "project" it into a declarative functional world where execution is lazy (Task);
  • handle "by design" the possibility of a failure with an explicit channel for errors (Either).

The module tries to be as more compliant as possible with the fetch() interface but with subtle differences:

  • request method is always explicit (no implicit "GET");
  • accepted methods are definened by the Method union type;
  • fetch's input is always a string (no Request objects allowed);
  • Response is mapped into a specific AppyResponse<Mixed> interface;
  • AppyResponse headers property is always a HeadersMap (alias for a map of string);
  • AppyResponse has a body property that is the result of parsing to JSON the string returned from response.text(); if it cannot be parsed as JSON, body value is just the string (both types of data are covered by the Mixed type).

RequestInit configuration object instead remains the same.


See here for the complete list of types.

declare function request(
  m: Method,
  u: string,
  o?: RequestInit
): TaskEither<AppyError, AppyResponse<Mixed>>;
declare function get(
  u: string,
  o?: RequestInit
): TaskEither<AppyError, AppyResponse<Mixed>>;
declare function post(
  u: string,
  o?: RequestInit
): TaskEither<AppyError, AppyResponse<Mixed>>;
declare function put(
  u: string,
  o?: RequestInit
): TaskEither<AppyError, AppyResponse<Mixed>>;
declare function patch(
  u: string,
  o?: RequestInit
): TaskEither<AppyError, AppyResponse<Mixed>>;
declare function del(
  u: string,
  o?: RequestInit
): TaskEither<AppyError, AppyResponse<Mixed>>;


import * as t from 'io-ts';
import {api} from '@contactlab/appy';
// same as:
// import {api} from '@contactlab/appy/lib/api';

const myApi = api({baseUri: ''});
const token = 'secret';
const Posts = t.array(
    userId: t.number,
    id: t.number,
    title: t.string,
    body: t.string

  .get('/posts', {token, decoder: Posts})
  .then(result =>
    result.fold(err => console.error(err), data => console.log(data))

This module is tailored on the needs of the Contactlab Frontend Team. It uses the "low-level" request module in order to interact with Contactlab's services (REST API).

So, it is a little more opinionated:

  • the exposed function (api) is used to "load" some configuration and returns an object with methods;
  • the configuration has a required baseUri (string) key which will be prepended to every uri;
  • there are also 2 optional keys id (string) and version (string) which will be passed as request's headers:
    • 'Contactlab-ClientId': ${id},
    • 'Contactlab-ClientVersion': ${version};
  • the main api method is request() which uses under the hood the request module with some subtle differences:
    • the options parameter is mandatory and it is an extension of the RequestInit interface;
    • options has a required token (string) key which will be passed as request's Authorization: Bearer ${token} header;
    • options has a required decoder (Decoder<Mixed, A>) key which will be used to decode the service's JSON payload;
    • decoder errors are expressed with a DecoderError class which extends the AppyError tagged union type;
    • thus, the returned type of api methods is TaskEither<ApiError, A>
    • headers in options object can only be a map of strings ({[k: string]: string}); if you need to work with a Header object you have to transform it;
    • options is merged with a predefined object in order to set some default values:
      • mode: 'cors'
      • headers: {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-type': 'application/json'}


See here for the complete list of types.

interface ApiMethods {
  request: <A>(m: Method, u: string, o: ApiOptions<A>): TaskEither<ApiError, AppyResponse<A>>;

  get: <A>(u: string, o: ApiOptions<A>): TaskEither<ApiError, AppyResponse<A>>;

  post: <A>(u: string, o: ApiOptions<A>): TaskEither<ApiError, AppyResponse<A>>;

  put: <A>(u: string, o: ApiOptions<A>): TaskEither<ApiError, AppyResponse<A>>;

  patch: <A>(u: string, o: ApiOptions<A>): TaskEither<ApiError, AppyResponse<A>>;

  del: <A>(u: string, o: ApiOptions<A>): TaskEither<ApiError, AppyResponse<A>>;

declare function api(c: ApiConfig): ApiMethods


You can find a couple of examples here.

About fetch() compatibility

The Fetch API is available only on "modern" browsers: if you need to support legacy browsers (e.g. Internet Explorer 11 or older) or you want to use it in a Nodejs script we recommend you the excellent isomorphic-fetch package.


Opening issues is always welcome.

Then, fork the repository or create a new branch, write your code and send a pull request.

This project uses Prettier (automatically applied as pre-commit hook), TSLint and Jest.

Tests are run with:

$ npm test


Released under the Apache 2.0 license.