This build script has only been tested so far on WSL2 and may or may not be compatible with another linux distro
You need at least WSL2 or Ubuntu. This script must be run with root privliges for proper installation.
This script by default will attempt to install a neovim config (mine by default) in the /etc/xdg/nvim directory. This will install the neovim config system wide. If that is your desired behavior then your neovim config requires a sysinit.vim initialization file
For standard install see below:
sudo sh
For just neovim see below:
sudo sh
(For either run 'PackerSync' twice in neovim)
- Rustup
- Neovim
- Gcc
- Github Cli (for git authentication)
- Ripgrep
- Nvm (Node version manager)
- Node (Most recent version of node)
- Hack Font
- FD
- Build-Essential
- Treesitter
- Tmux
After running you must change font in terminal profile. Currently you need to run PackerSync twice after opening neovim. The headless syncing appears to run into some errors that I will work out in the future.