Add a DynFlags plugin. #56
Garnix CI / package ghc8107_categorifier-vec-integration-test [aarch64-linux]
Feb 9, 2024 in 1h 26m 55s
Run results
Build failed
Last 100 lines of logs:
categorifier-plugin-test> 382 ┃ else
categorifier-plugin-test> 383 ┃ [ ( [t|Word8|],
categorifier-plugin-test> 384 ┃ pure ([|Gen.string Range.linearBounded Gen.unicodeAll|], [|show|])
categorifier-plugin-test> 385 ┃ )
categorifier-plugin-test> 386 ┃ ]
categorifier-plugin-test> 387 ┃ )
categorifier-plugin-test> 388 ┃ )
categorifier-plugin-test> 389 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"BuildLeft") (TestCases (const [(([t|Int64|], [t|Word8|]), pure ([|genIntegralBounded|], [|show|]))]))
categorifier-plugin-test> 390 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"BuildRight") (TestCases (const [(([t|Int64|], [t|Word8|]), pure ([|genIntegralBounded|], [|show|]))]))
categorifier-plugin-test> 391 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"EliminateEither") (TestCases (const [([t|Word8|], Nothing)]))
categorifier-plugin-test> 392 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"EliminateEitherSwapped") (TestCases (const [([t|Word8|], Nothing)]))
categorifier-plugin-test> 393 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"Apply") (TestCases (const [(([t|Word8|], [t|Bool|]), Nothing)]))
categorifier-plugin-test> 394 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"BareFMap") (TestCases (const [([t|Word8|], Nothing)]))
categorifier-plugin-test> 395 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"PartialFmap") (TestCases (const [([t|Word8|], Nothing)]))
categorifier-plugin-test> 396 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"Fmap") (TestCases (const [(([t|Pair|], [t|Word8|]), Nothing)]))
categorifier-plugin-test> 397 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"Fmap'") (TestCases (const [([t|Word8|], Nothing)]))
categorifier-plugin-test> 398 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"ConstNot") (TestCases (const [([t|Word8|], Nothing)]))
categorifier-plugin-test> 399 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"MapList") (TestCases (const [([t|Word8|], Nothing)]))
categorifier-plugin-test> 400 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"Ap") (TestCases (const [])) -- no curry
categorifier-plugin-test> 401 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"LiftA2") (TestCases (const [(([t|Validation ()|], [t|Int64|], [t|Int64|]), Nothing)]))
categorifier-plugin-test> 402 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"Bind") (TestCases (const [([t|Word8|], Nothing)])) -- no curry
categorifier-plugin-test> 403 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"Curry") (TestCases (const [(([t|Word8|], [t|Bool|]), Nothing)]))
categorifier-plugin-test> 404 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"Uncurry") (TestCases (const [(([t|Word8|], [t|Bool|]), Nothing)]))
categorifier-plugin-test> 405 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"SequenceA") (TestCases (const []))
categorifier-plugin-test> 406 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"Traverse") (TestCases (const []))
categorifier-plugin-test> 407 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"UnsafeCoerce") (TestCases (const [([t|Double|], pure ([|genFloating|], [|show|]))]))
categorifier-plugin-test> 408 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"Sum") (TestCases (const [])) -- can only work with specialization
categorifier-plugin-test> 409 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"SumList") (TestCases (const []))
categorifier-plugin-test> 410 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"ToList") (TestCases (const [])) -- can only work with specialization
categorifier-plugin-test> 411 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"Even") (TestCases (const [([t|Int64|], pure ([|genIntegralBounded|], [|show|]))]))
categorifier-plugin-test> 412 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"Odd") (TestCases (const [([t|Int64|], pure ([|genIntegralBounded|], [|show|]))]))
categorifier-plugin-test> 413 ┃ $ HEmpty1
categorifier-plugin-test> ┃ │ (0,(0,0))
categorifier-plugin-test> ┃ ^^^^^^^^^
categorifier-plugin-test> ┃ │ ━━━ Exception (UnconvertedCall) ━━━
categorifier-plugin-test> ┃ │ error: Categorifier failed to eliminate a call to `Categorifier.Categorify.expression`.
categorifier-plugin-test> ┃ │ | This should only be possible if the module mentioned above was compiled
categorifier-plugin-test> ┃ │ | without the Categorifier plugin enabled. Ensure that you're configuring
categorifier-plugin-test> ┃ │ | it properly for your build process. E.g., passing `-fplugin=Categorifier`
categorifier-plugin-test> ┃ │ | to GHC directly.
categorifier-plugin-test> ┃ │ |
categorifier-plugin-test> ┃ │ | It's also possible that some other plugin that you've enabled has interfered
categorifier-plugin-test> ┃ │ | with this one. If you've enabled other plugins, try permuting the order of
categorifier-plugin-test> Test suite base-hierarchy: FAIL
categorifier-plugin-test> ┃ │ | the `-fplugin` flags. (GHC installs the plugins in the /reverse/ order that
categorifier-plugin-test> Test suite logged to:
categorifier-plugin-test> ┃ │ | `-fplugin` flags are provided on the command line.)
categorifier-plugin-test> dist/test/categorifier-plugin-test-0.1-base-hierarchy.log
categorifier-plugin-test> ┃ │
categorifier-plugin-test> ┃ │ CallStack (from HasCallStack):
categorifier-plugin-test> ┃ │ expression, called at test/Base/Main.hs:45:1 in main:Main
categorifier-plugin-test> 0 of 3 test suites (0 of 3 test cases) passed.
categorifier-plugin-test> This failure can be reproduced by running:
categorifier-plugin-test> > recheckAt (Seed 16291321445969117010 4944474304419049709) "1:" plainArrowFstLet0
categorifier-plugin-test> ✗ plainArrowSwap0 failed at test/Base/Main.hs:45:1
categorifier-plugin-test> after 1 test.
categorifier-plugin-test> shrink path: 1:
categorifier-plugin-test> ┏━━ test/Base/Main.hs ━━━
categorifier-plugin-test> 45 ┃ mkTestTerms
categorifier-plugin-test> 46 ┃ defaultTestTerms
categorifier-plugin-test> 47 ┃ -- name type prefix strategy
categorifier-plugin-test> 48 ┃ ( [ TestCategory ''Term [t|Term|] "term" CheckCompileOnly,
categorifier-plugin-test> 49 ┃ TestCategory ''Hask [t|Hask|] "hask" (ComputeFromInput [|runHask|])
categorifier-plugin-test> 50 ┃ ]
categorifier-plugin-test> 51 ┃ <> builtinTestCategories
categorifier-plugin-test> 52 ┃ )
categorifier-plugin-test> 53 ┃ -- core
categorifier-plugin-test> 54 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"LamId") (TestCases (const [([t|Word8|], pure ([|genIntegralBounded|], [|show|]))]))
categorifier-plugin-test> 55 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"ComposeLam") (TestCases (const [([t|Word8|], pure ([|genIntegralBounded|], [|show|]))]))
categorifier-plugin-test> 56 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"ConstLam") (TestCases (const [(([t|Int64|], [t|Word8|]), Nothing)]))
categorifier-plugin-test> 57 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"ReturnLam") (TestCases (const [([t|Word8|], pure ([|genIntegralBounded|], [|show|]))]))
categorifier-plugin-test> 58 ┃ . HInsert1 (Proxy @"BuildTuple") (TestCases (const [([t|Word8|], pure ([|genIntegralBounded|], [|show|]))]))
categorifier-plugin-test> 59 ┃ . HInsert1
categorifier-plugin-test> 60 ┃ (Proxy @"EliminateTupleFst")
categorifier-plugin-test> 61 ┃ ( TestCases
categorifier-plugin-test> 62 ┃ (const [([t|Word8|], pure ([|(,) <$> genIntegralBounded <*> genIntegralBounded|], [|show|]))])
categorifier-plugin-test> 63 ┃ )
categorifier-plugin-test> 64 ┃ . HInsert1
categorifier-plugin-test> 65 ┃ (Proxy @"EliminateTupleSnd")
categorifier-plugin-test> 66 ┃ ( TestCases
categorifier-plugin-test> 67 ┃ (const [([t|Word8|], pure ([|(,) <$> genIntegralBounded <*> genIntegralBounded|], [|show|]))])
categorifier-plugin-test> 68 ┃ )
categorifier-plugin-test> 69 ┃ . HInsert1
categorifier-plugin-test> 70 ┃ (Proxy @"EliminateNestedTuples")
categorifier-plugin-test> 71 ┃ ( TestCases
error: build of '/nix/store/5kh0g5lz8hjhkm4zvlj729ihzpdp4jj1-categorifier-plugin-test-0.1.drv' on 'ssh-ng://nix-ssh@arm-server-1' failed: builder for '/nix/store/5kh0g5lz8hjhkm4zvlj729ihzpdp4jj1-categorifier-plugin-test-0.1.drv' failed with exit code 1;
last 10 log lines:
> 62 ┃ (const [([t|Word8|], pure ([|(,) <$> genIntegralBounded <*> genIntegralBounded|], [|show|]))])
> 63 ┃ )
> 64 ┃ . HInsert1
> 65 ┃ (Proxy @"EliminateTupleSnd")
> 66 ┃ ( TestCases
> 67 ┃ (const [([t|Word8|], pure ([|(,) <$> genIntegralBounded <*> genIntegralBounded|], [|show|]))])
> 68 ┃ )
> 69 ┃ . HInsert1
> 70 ┃ (Proxy @"EliminateNestedTuples")
> 71 ┃ ( TestCases
For full logs, run 'nix log /nix/store/5kh0g5lz8hjhkm4zvlj729ihzpdp4jj1-categorifier-plugin-test-0.1.drv'.
error: builder for '/nix/store/5kh0g5lz8hjhkm4zvlj729ihzpdp4jj1-categorifier-plugin-test-0.1.drv' failed with exit code 1
error: 1 dependencies of derivation '/nix/store/cvmlzlqg4jf1njzzilbik0nmqfvi7aq8-categorifier-vec-integration-test-0.1.drv' failed to build