De novo analysis for cryo-electron tomography.
This GitHub repository have two branches (git checkout <feature_branch>):
- master: (default) stable Python 3 version.
- python2: old Python 2.7 (deprecated).
- python3: branch with the latest modifications and improved.
Python 3 transition completed and changes for being compatible with Scipion
- data: input data for running some tests and tutorials, output and intermediate data stored here during tutorials and tests execution are cleaned by running
- code: the code (libraries and execution scripts) for PySeg, PyOrg and TomoSegMemTV.
- sys: third party software with their installers.
- DisPerSe (v. 0.9.24)
- Cfitsio (v. 3.380)
- CGAL (v 4.7)
- Graph-tool
- DisPerSe (v. 0.9.24)
- doc: documentation files
- manual: a general manual, with installation instructions included, for PySeg
- tutorials: specific examples to introduce the users in the usage of the software
- synth_sumb: basic tutorial for using PySeg for single unoriented membranes using synthetic data
- synth_ssmb: Deprecated, just for testing.
- exp_sumb: additional and modified scripts in respect to synth_sumb to process single uoriented membranes from experimental data.
- exp_somb: additional and modified scripts in respect to synth_sumb to process single oriented membranes from experimental data.
- exp_domb: additional and modified scripts in respect to synth_sumb to process double oriented membranes from experimental data.
- tomosegmemtv: documentation for TomoSegMemTV (membrane segmentation for electron tomogramphy)
- synapsegtools: documentation for SynapSegTools (some graphic extension for post-processing the outputs of TomoSegMemTV)
A description of the requirements, auxiliary software, installation and functionality testing is available on docs/manual/manual.pdf file.
You may also build and run PySeg as docker container. To do this you can run:
docker build . -t pyseg:latest
And to run it (replace the <> placeholders accordingly, a typical location for the is /mnt
docker run --rm -it -v <data-directory-in-host-machine>:<mount-directory-in-container> pyseg:latest <command> <options>
For the available commands look at USAGE.
In docs/tutorials/synth_sumb/synth_sumb.pdf there is a tutorial for de novo analysis of membrane proteins using self-generated synthetic data, it is strongly recomended to complete this tutorial before starting with your experimental data.
If you have found a bug or have an issue with the software, please open an issue here.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (see LICENSE file)
Template-free particle picking and unsupervised classification (PySeg):
[1] Martinez-Sanchez et al. "Template-free detection and classification of heterogeneous membrane-bound complexes in cryo-electron tomograms" Nature Methods (2020) doi:10.1038/s41592-019-0687-1
Membrane segmentation (TomoSegMemTV):
[2] Martinez-Sanchez et al. "Robust membrane detection based on tensor voting for electron tomography" J Struct Biol (2014)
Statistical spatial analysis (PyOrg):
[3] Martinez-Sanchez, Lucic & Baumeister. "Statistical spatial analysis for cryo-electron tomography" Comput Methods Programs Biomed (2022)