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Add some tests for break/strip ops, modularise code
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harendra-kumar committed Jan 20, 2025
1 parent 58d4664 commit af68084
Showing 1 changed file with 119 additions and 50 deletions.
169 changes: 119 additions & 50 deletions core/src/Streamly/Internal/Data/MutArray/Type.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -188,6 +188,8 @@ module Streamly.Internal.Data.MutArray.Type
-- ** Folding
, foldl'
, foldr
, fold
, foldRev
, byteCmp
, byteEq

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2094,6 +2096,26 @@ foldl' f z arr = D.foldl' f z $ read arr
foldr :: (MonadIO m, Unbox a) => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> MutArray a -> m b
foldr f z arr = D.foldr f z $ read arr

-- | Fold an array using a 'Fold'.
-- For example:
-- >>> findIndex eq = MutArray.fold (Fold.findIndex eq)
-- /Pre-release/
{-# INLINE fold #-}
fold :: (MonadIO m, Unbox a) => Fold m a b -> MutArray a -> m b
fold f arr = D.fold f (read arr)

-- | Fold an arary starting from end up to beginning.
-- For example:
-- >>> findIndexRev eq = MutArray.foldRev (Fold.findIndex eq)
foldRev :: (MonadIO m, Unbox a) => Fold m a b -> MutArray a -> m b
foldRev f arr = D.fold f (readRev arr)

-- Folds
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2936,13 +2958,16 @@ splitEndBy :: (MonadIO m, Unbox a) =>
(a -> Bool) -> MutArray a -> Stream m (MutArray a)
splitEndBy = splitUsing D.indexEndBy

-- XXX check perf see comment in strip.
-- XXX See advanceStartTill for a potential performance issue with this type of
-- code which needed to be investigated. Measure the perf of this and use
-- advanceStartTill if that turns out to be better.

{-# INLINE breakUsing #-}
breakUsing :: (MonadIO m, Unbox a) =>
Int -> ((a -> Bool) -> Stream m a -> Stream m (Int, Int))
-> (a -> Bool) -> MutArray a -> m (MutArray a, MutArray a)
breakUsing adj indexer predicate arr = do
-- XXX Use MutArray.fold Fold.findIndex instead.
r <- D.head $ indexer predicate (read arr)
case r of
Just (i, len) ->
Expand All @@ -2959,12 +2984,14 @@ breakUsing adj indexer predicate arr = do

{-# INLINE revBreakUsing #-}
revBreakUsing :: (MonadIO m, Unbox a) =>
Int -> ((a -> Bool) -> Stream m a -> Stream m (Int, Int))
-> (a -> Bool) -> MutArray a -> m (MutArray a, MutArray a)
revBreakUsing adj indexer predicate arr = do
Bool -> (a -> Bool) -> MutArray a -> m (MutArray a, MutArray a)
revBreakUsing withSep predicate arr = do
let indexer = if withSep then D.indexEndBy else D.indexEndBy_
adj = if withSep then 0 else 1
-- XXX Use MutArray.foldRev Fold.findIndex instead.
r <- D.head $ indexer predicate (readRev arr)
case r of
Just (i, len) ->
Just (_, len) ->
-- assert (i == 0)
-- XXX avoid using length (div operation)
let arrLen = length arr
Expand All @@ -2973,9 +3000,18 @@ revBreakUsing adj indexer predicate arr = do
if len1 >= arrLen
then empty
else unsafeGetSlice 0 (arrLen - len1) arr
in return (arr0, unsafeGetSlice (arrLen - 1 - i) len arr)
arr1 = unsafeGetSlice (arrLen - len) len arr
in return (arr0, arr1)
Nothing -> return (arr, empty)

-- |
-- >>> arr <- MutArray.fromList "hello world"
-- >>> (a,b) <- MutArray.breakEndBy (== ' ') arr
-- >>> MutArray.toList a
-- "hello "
-- >>> MutArray.toList b
-- "world"
{-# INLINE breakEndBy #-}
breakEndBy :: (MonadIO m, Unbox a) =>
(a -> Bool) -> MutArray a -> m (MutArray a, MutArray a)
Expand All @@ -2985,21 +3021,46 @@ breakEndBy = breakUsing 0 D.indexEndBy
-- element matching the predicate is dropped. If the predicate never succeeds
-- the second array is empty.
-- >>> arr <- MutArray.fromList "hello world"
-- >>> (a,b) <- MutArray.breakEndBy_ (== ' ') arr
-- >>> MutArray.toList a
-- "hello"
-- >>> MutArray.toList b
-- "world"
-- /Pre-release/
{-# INLINE breakEndBy_ #-}
breakEndBy_ :: (MonadIO m, Unbox a) =>
(a -> Bool) -> MutArray a -> m (MutArray a, MutArray a)
breakEndBy_ = breakUsing 1 D.indexEndBy_

-- |
-- >>> arr <- MutArray.fromList "hello world"
-- >>> (a,b) <- MutArray.revBreakEndBy (== ' ') arr
-- >>> MutArray.toList a
-- "hello"
-- >>> MutArray.toList b
-- " world"
{-# INLINE revBreakEndBy #-}
revBreakEndBy :: (MonadIO m, Unbox a) =>
(a -> Bool) -> MutArray a -> m (MutArray a, MutArray a)
revBreakEndBy = revBreakUsing 0 D.indexEndBy
revBreakEndBy = revBreakUsing True

-- |
-- >>> arr <- MutArray.fromList "hello world"
-- >>> (a,b) <- MutArray.revBreakEndBy_ (== ' ') arr
-- >>> MutArray.toList a
-- "hello"
-- >>> MutArray.toList b
-- "world"
{-# INLINE revBreakEndBy_ #-}
revBreakEndBy_ :: (MonadIO m, Unbox a) =>
(a -> Bool) -> MutArray a -> m (MutArray a, MutArray a)
revBreakEndBy_ = revBreakUsing 1 D.indexEndBy_
revBreakEndBy_ = revBreakUsing False

-- Note: We could return empty array instead of Nothing. But then we cannot
-- distinguish if the separator was found in the end or was not found at all.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3603,18 +3664,12 @@ compactExact _n = undefined -- D.parseManyD (pCompactEQ n)
-- In-place mutation algorithms

-- XXX Reuse the code across strip/stripStart/stripEnd?
-- XXX Can use SIMD
-- XXX findIndex can be implemented using this if fold perf is not good enough.

-- | Strip elements which match the predicate, from both ends.
-- /Pre-release/
{-# INLINE strip #-}
strip :: forall a m. (Unbox a, MonadIO m) =>
(a -> Bool) -> MutArray a -> m (MutArray a)
strip eq arr@MutArray{..} = liftIO $ do
st <- getStart arrStart
end <- getLast arrEnd st
return arr {arrStart = st, arrEnd = end, arrBound = arrBound}
{-# INLINE advanceStartTill #-}
advanceStartTill :: forall a. (Unbox a) => (a -> Bool) -> MutArray a -> IO Int
advanceStartTill eq MutArray{..} = go arrStart


Expand All @@ -3628,67 +3683,81 @@ strip eq arr@MutArray{..} = liftIO $ do
Just i -> PTR_INDEX(arrStart,i,a)

getStart cur = do
go cur =
if cur < arrEnd
then do
r <- peekAt cur arrContents
if eq r
then getStart (INDEX_NEXT(cur,a))
then go (INDEX_NEXT(cur,a))
else return cur
else return cur

getLast cur low = do
if cur > low
{-# INLINE retractEndTill #-}
retractEndTill :: forall a. (Unbox a) => (a -> Bool) -> MutArray a -> IO Int
retractEndTill eq MutArray{..} = go arrEnd


go cur = do
if cur > arrStart
then do
let prev = INDEX_PREV(cur,a)
r <- peekAt prev arrContents
if eq r
then getLast prev low
then go prev
else return cur
else return cur

-- | Strip elements which match the predicate, from the start of the array.
-- >>> arr <- MutArray.fromList " hello world"
-- >>> a <- MutArray.stripStart (== ' ') arr
-- >>> MutArray.toList a
-- "hello world"
-- /Pre-release/
{-# INLINE stripStart #-}
stripStart :: forall a m. (Unbox a, MonadIO m) =>
(a -> Bool) -> MutArray a -> m (MutArray a)
stripStart eq arr@MutArray{..} = liftIO $ do
st <- getStart arrStart
return arr {arrStart = st, arrEnd = arrEnd, arrBound = arrBound}


getStart cur = do
if cur < arrEnd
then do
r <- peekAt cur arrContents
if eq r
then getStart (INDEX_NEXT(cur,a))
else return cur
else return cur
st <- advanceStartTill eq arr
-- return arr{arrStart = st}
return $
if st >= arrEnd
then empty
else arr{arrStart = st}

-- | Strip elements which match the predicate, from the end of the array.
-- >>> arr <- MutArray.fromList "hello world "
-- >>> a <- MutArray.stripEnd (== ' ') arr
-- >>> MutArray.toList a
-- "hello world"
-- /Pre-release/
{-# INLINE stripEnd #-}
stripEnd :: forall a m. (Unbox a, MonadIO m) =>
(a -> Bool) -> MutArray a -> m (MutArray a)
stripEnd eq arr@MutArray{..} = liftIO $ do
end <- getLast arrEnd arrStart
return arr {arrStart = arrStart, arrEnd = end, arrBound = arrBound}

end <- retractEndTill eq arr
-- return arr {arrEnd = end}
return $
if end <= arrStart
then empty
else arr{arrEnd = end}

getLast cur low = do
if cur > low
then do
let prev = INDEX_PREV(cur,a)
r <- peekAt prev arrContents
if eq r
then getLast prev low
else return cur
else return cur
-- | Strip elements which match the predicate, from both ends.
-- >>> arr <- MutArray.fromList " hello world "
-- >>> a <- MutArray.strip (== ' ') arr
-- >>> MutArray.toList a
-- "hello world"
-- /Pre-release/
{-# INLINE strip #-}
strip :: forall a m. (Unbox a, MonadIO m) =>
(a -> Bool) -> MutArray a -> m (MutArray a)
strip eq arr = liftIO $ stripStart eq arr >>= stripEnd eq

-- | Given an array sorted in ascending order except the last element being out
-- of order, use bubble sort to place the last element at the right place such
Expand Down

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