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COMP251 Lab 4: Debugging offset-based data structures

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Subtitle: hello GDB my old friend


In this lab, you'll use the GDB debugger to debug a program that uses offset-based data structures. You will not write any code at all!

You have been given a puzzle program that reads in-memory data structures in a series of phases. The data structures, however, have been corrupted. For each phase in the lab, your task is to:

  • determine what corruption has occurred and the reason for the program crashing.
  • modify the in-memory data structure in order to correct the corruption and allow the program to make progress to the next phase.
  • Note that the corruption for each phase does not affect the data stored in the data structure! Only metadata and pointers in the data structure were corrupted.

There are five phases. This document walks you through completing the first phase, and provides general guidance for each of the subsequent phases.

The objectives of this lab are:

  • to gain more experience using GDB to debug programs and examine program state;
  • to gain experience debugging programs that make heavy use of pointers and manual memory management/accounting;
  • to gain experience reading and understanding code, and C code in particular;
  • to gain experience reading and understanding technical documentation;
  • and to gain experience examining and interpreting memory and using tools like GDB and hex editors to inspect memory.

This document is arranged as follows:

  • First, we will take a tour of the source code that has been provided to you for this lab and examine the program you will debug.

  • Next, we'll learn some background information about memory-mapped files and the mmap function.

  • Then, we'll look at each phase for this lab in turn and discuss strategies and guidance for progressing through them.

Collaboration Policy

For this lab, collaboration is OK, as long as you are sharing strategies for discovering how to unlock the puzzle. You can and should talk about general problems in the lab, especially how to interpret, understand, and debug the in-memory data structures! You should also be discussing how to use GDB to examine and interpret memory and how to use its various functions. You should not be telling people the specific modifications to make, or explaining exactly what corruption has occurred.

When you make your PR, note who you worked with and on what phases/sections/etc.

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Program and Code Overview

Begin by cloning this GitHub repository on lily. Make sure that the first thing that you do is create a new branch!

$ git clone <your-repo-url>
$ cd <your-repo>
$ git checkout -b <your-branch-name>
$ git status
$ ls

Let's begin by looking at what code is part of the lab. Files marked - are library code used by the lab that you should not have to inspect. Files marked * are executables that you can use to perform experiments and explore the data structures, but are not strictly involved in the lab.

|-- doc ...................... Images used in this document
|-- ................ This document
`-- src ...................... Main source directory
    |-- block_list_driver.c ...Block list driver (*)
    |-- block_list.c ......... Block list source (phase 4+5)
    |-- block_list.h ......... Block list header (phase 4+5)
    |-- boot.c ............... Main source file
    |-- boot.h ............... Main source header
    |-- db ................... Corrupt files 
    |   |-- log.ll ........... File for phase 4+5
    |   |-- nav.stb .......... File for phase 2+3
    |   `-- params.arr ....... File for phase 1
    |-- db-corrupt ........... Backups of corrupt files
    |   |-- log.ll_CORRUPT 
    |   |-- nav.stb_CORRUPT
    |   `-- params.arr_CORRUPT
    |-- disk_array_driver.c .. Driver for disk array (*)
    |-- disk_array.c ......... Disk array source (phase 1)
    |-- disk_array.h ......... Disk array header (phase 1)
    |-- Makefile ............. Build rules
    |-- mm_util.c ............ (-)
    |-- mm_util.h ............ (-)
    |-- nav_system.c ......... Executable entry point
    |-- strtable_driver.c .... strtable driver (*)
    |-- strtable.c ........... strtable source (phase 2+3)
    |-- strtable.h ........... strtable header (phase 2+3)
    |-- termcolors.h ......... (-)
    `-- util.h ............... (-)

You can build the binary nav_system. This is the main program that you will be running, and your task for this lab is to make it run successfully to completion. Since you're not going to be modifying source files, you'll only really need to build this once.

$ cd src
$ make
$ ./nav_system

You'll notice that it will crash fairly quickly. The walkthrough for Phase 1 will help you get started in making progress toward getting the program to run.

Before you get started, take a look at nav_system.c (which contains main). Then take a look at the source file that contains the majority of the program logic that you will be debugging: boot.c. This file has functions that load and navigate a series of in-memory data structures.

The function boot at the bottom of boot.c runs the five phases in order. These phases are clearly labeled. In the discussion of each phase below, we will highlight them so as to direct our attention.

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Hand in

Create a file named in your branch by editing it with Vim. For each of the phases, provide:

  • a list of the modifications that you made to successfully fix the data structure.
  • a description of how you found the memory corruption.

If you worked with anyone, please list them in the file and include how they contributed.

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General tips

  • Your number one key to success: take this slow and give yourself plenty of heads-down time. Reading and understanding how the data structures are arranged in memory will require some time and some careful reading. Your best friend for this lab will be a pen and a notebook. Take notes on the data structure memory organization. Draw diagrams. Do examples. Create example files using the driver programs and explore them using a hex editor (see phase 1 tips).

  • Important: You will be spending quite a bit of time using gdb and other programs concurrently in this lab. I suggest you become used to using multiple ssh sessions to have multiple windows open.

  • You may want to invest a little time in learning how to use tmux to have multiple windows open in one ssh window. The course website has some recommended tutorials.

    This is strictly optional, it's just a small process skill that may come in useful for you!

  • Remember the size of various types. char is always one byte (8 bits). uint32_t/int32_t is 32 bits (4 bytes), uint64_t/int64_t is 64 bits (8 bytes). A byte is two hex digits and ranges from 00 (0) to ff (255).

  • You may find the tips from lab 2 useful, as you refresh your knowledge of gdb.

  • If you get tired of the "fluff" in the lab, look at main for the arguments that you can give to run in GDB to skip various parts of the program.

  • Ask for help!

  • The driver programs that have been provided for you will allow you to create example data structures. If you find it helpful, you can create small example data structures of a few hundred bytes and poke around at how they are implemented.

  • If you want to restore files to their initial version: There are four make targets you can use:

    • make restore restores all files
    • make restore_params restores the phase 1 file
    • make restore_nav restores the phase 2+3 file
    • make restore_log restores the phase 4+5 file
  • Remember that it is great to ask about this lab in class!

  • Each of the data structures in the lab is heavily documented in its corresponding .h file. You must read these files in order to be successful. You'll also need to use gdb to step through the code in these files!

  • Each data structure has a similar representation: a struct representing the data structure with pointers to various locations in the memory used by the data structure. Each data structure additionally has a mm_region_t field: this describes information about the area of memory that the data structure occupies.

    The mm_region_t struct has the following fields:

    struct mm_region_t {
      void *start;
      size_t size;
      int fd;

    The last field, fd, is not relevant to the lab. The start and size fields, though, point to the start of the memory region for the data structure and contain the total size for that region. These fields are guaranteed to be correct!

  • You can examine memory by using arithmetic to compute values. For example, if I want to see 20 unsigned 32-bit integers before the end of a data structure's memory, I could do the following (presuming ds is my data structure):

    (gdb) x/20uw ds.mm_region.start + ds.mm_region.size - 20

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mmap and memory-mapped files

This lab is about debugging memory. It uses files, however, to store the data that is going to be placed in memory. The way that data makes its way from a file to memory is by using a function called mmap.

This function allows a user to load a file from disk and store its entire contents in memory.

When a user calls mmap to load a file, the user is given a pointer to the start of the file and is then allowed to use the memory region containing the file as a big region in memory. Since the memory region is valid and the caller of mmap has a pointer to it, it is just a big area of the address space that the user can do whatever they want with.

mmap has a couple of interesting options that make it incredibly useful:

  • You can optionally tell mmap to write any changes that you make to memory back to the file, so that writing to memory also writes to disk!

  • The files mmap uses can be "anonymous," as well. This means that they are not really backed by a file, and are not located on disk or written back to disk.

    This is actually how modern versions of malloc are implemented: malloc calls mmap to get a region of memory that is not associated with a real file, and then uses this region to satisfy allocation requests.

  • mmap can be used by different processes to share a region in memory (we will see this later in the semester).

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Phase 1 Walkthrough

To help get you started, the following will walk you through phase 1.

  • First, let's run the program.

    $ cd src
    $ ./nav_system

    As expected, it crashes.

  • Let's run the program using gdb and see exactly where this crash occurs.

    $ gdb nav_system
    (gdb) run
    ... crash!
    (gdb) info stack

    Here, we see the sequence of function calls that took us to the crash.

    If we want to switch between function calls to examine the variables in each function, we can use the frame command.

    (gdb) frame <number>

    However, if we crashed in load_params, we're in a good spot to start looking at why we crashed. In later phases, you will want to go up the stack to look at the variables in the function to see how the program got to where it is.

  • Let's look at load_params. Open up the source code for boot.c (either in GitHub or in another SSH window). Lets look at the source to load_params.

    What we see here is that load_params does a few simple things:

    1. Declares something called a disk_array_t and opens it.
    2. Copies a pointer out of that struct and into a pointer.
    3. Treats that pointer like an array and iterates over the array.
    4. Prints each value.
    5. Closes the disk array.

    In order for us to really understand what the bug is, we will need to understand what a disk array is, and what could possibly cause this bug.

  • Open disk_array.h and disk_array.c as tabs in a browser or in Vim.

    Aside: If you use Vim, a helpful tip is that you can split-screen the editor! Use :vsplit <file-name> to open a vertical split with a new file, or :split <file-name> to open a horizontal split. Use CTRL-w <direction> to move between them (direction can be arrow keys or hjkl directions).

    disk_array.h defines our first data structure: an array type that uses mmap to store itself on disk. A disk array is a struct that contains some metadata about the mmaped file, some metadata about the number of elements it can store, and a pointer to the start of the actual data array.

    Read the documentation for the data structure carefully. You can see that the memory used by the struct is organized so that there are two important variables located at the beginning of the memory it uses: a 64-bit integer storing the number of elements and a 64-bit integer storing the size of each element.

    Take a look at the struct definition and how those values are represented in the struct.

    Read through array_open in disk_array.c to see how these values are initialized.

  • Now let's go back to gdb and take a look at what we have for our array that is being used in our program.

    (gdb) info locals
    params = {array = 0x7ffff7ff6010, n = 0x7ffff7ff6000, element_size = 0x7ffff7ff6008,
        mm_region = {start = 0x7ffff7ff6000, size = 2064, fd = 3}}
    arr = 0x7ffff7ff6010

    Here we see the params struct and the arr pointer. You can see the effect of copying the params.array pointer to arr -- they both point to the same address.

    You can also see how the pointers are laid out in memory!

    • Notice how the memory mapped region starts at address 0x7..ff6000. This is where n (the number of elements) is located, as well (remember the description of the file type!).
    • element_size is located at 0x7..ff6008 -- eight bytes later (recall that a 64-bit integer is 8 bytes).
    • Finally, the array starts at 0x7..ff6010 -- 16 bytes after 0x7..ff6000 and 8 bytes after element_size (this is hex, so each digit is 0-f).
  • So, let's take a look at that memory.

    We can do this in a couple of ways:

    • We can dereference the pointers:

      (gdb) print *params.n
      (gdb) print/z *params.n    # as hex
      (gdb) print *params.element_size
      (gdb) print/z *params.element_size     # as hex
    • We can dereference the address using print:

      (gdb) print *(0x7ffff7ff6000)
      (gdb) print/z *(0x7ffff7ff6000)

      The second version of print applies a format specifier -- to print the number using zero-padded hex. However, print is showing us something incorrect here -- you may notice that the value is incorrect! It is intrepreting the memory as a 32-bit number. We can also tell print how to interpret the memory.

      (gdb) print *((uint64_t*)0x7ffff7ff6000)
    • Examining memory is not really a good task for print -- it is better for executing arbitrary expressions and printing variables. Instead, we can examine memory using the x command:

      (gdb) x/gz 0x7ffff7ff6000
      (gdb) x/gd 0x7ffff7ff6000

      When we print memory like this, we need to tell gdb how to interpret the memory. After all, bits are bits and have no inherent meaning!

      Use help x to see the format specifiers. You can see that we are saying that this is a 64-bit (8 byte) value.

    • x also allows to look at blocks of memory by specifying a repeat statement. Try the following:

      (gdb) x/2gz 0x7ffff7ff6000  # look at first two 64-bit vals in hex
      (gdb) x/2gd 0x7ffff7ff6000  # look at first two 64-bit vals in decimal
      (gdb) x/16z 0x7ffff7ff6000  # look at first 16 bytes in hex
      (gdb) x/64z 0x7ffff7ff6000  # look at first 64 bytes

      Cool, right (well, for my definition of "cool")?

    • One more experiment. Let's look at memory byte-by-byte vs. looking at it as integers:

      (gdb) x/2xg 0x7ffff7ff6000   # two 64 bit ints, in hex
      (gdb) x/16xb 0x7ffff7ff6000  # 16 bytes, in hex

      Here's the output:

      (gdb) x/2xg 0x7ffff7ff6000
      0x7ffff7ff6000: 0x0000000000001000      0x0000000000000008
      (gdb) x/16xb 0x7ffff7ff6000
      0x7ffff7ff6000: 0x00    0x10    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00
      0x7ffff7ff6008: 0x08    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00

      Do you notice something weird here? The byte order looks reversed! There's nothing really strange happening, though. What we are seeing is that multi-byte values are stored in little-endian order. This means that the smallest bytes in a number are stored first in memory, and the largest bytes are stored last.

      For example, let's look at storing the number 0xa0b0c0d0 in memory at address 0x6000.

      value          a0 b0 c0 d0
      byte number     3  2  1  0

      The bytes are going to be stored in memory in increasing addresses. That means that that the byte number increases with the address.

      address       6000 6001 6002 6003
      byte number      0    1    2    3
      value           d0   c0   b0   a0

      Since this is awkward to read when we are looking at these bytes as a single value, GDB rearranges them when we interpret those addresses as one number and shows us a0b0c0d0 -- what we expect.

      You can read more about endianness here or in Chapter 4.7 of our textbook.

  • So, let's get back to debugging. We can see that the program crashed with a segmentation fault trying to read and print memory. Lets see what address we were reading:

    (gdb) info locals

    We can see i has some value, and we were reading arr[i].

    (gdb) print i
    (gdb) print arr[i]

    Uh oh. What's going on? It seems like this is not a valid address? Given n, it should be. Since each element is 8 bytes, and there are 4096 elements, we expect that the address of arr[i] is within the data structure.

    Let's validate that:

    (gdb) print &arr[i]  # print address of array element i
    (gdb) print &arr[i] < (0x7ffff7ff6000 + 4096*8)  # print comparison

    That should've printed a 1 for you as well, meaning that we should be accessing a valid address at arr[i]. But we're not.

    That's suspicious.

    If we look again at the struct, something is not adding up right.

    (gdb) print *params.n * *params.element_size
    (gdb) print params.mm_region

    That size (in bytes) looks way too small.

    Let's see how big the file is (in another window):

    ls -l db/params.arr

    It doesn't look like n is accurate! In fact, we know that n is inaccurate now, and we know what it should be.

  • Before we fix this, let's take another look at the file (which also corresponds to what is in memory) using another program/tool: a hex editor. In a separate window, let's examine the contents of the file.

    Here, you have several options for programs to use. We're going to look at a few. Some are standard on almost all Unix/Linux systems and some are not, but are installed on lily.

    1. First, we'll use hexcurse.

      $ hexcurse db/params.arr
      $ man hexcurse  # for the manual

      When you open the file, you'll notice a line of commands along the bottom. These are accessed with the function keys (F1-F8).

      The main screen has a dump of the file byte-by-byte in hexadecimal, with each row starting with the address of the first byte in that row. At the very top is a number indicating the byte offset of the cursor. On the right hand side is the ASCII interpretation of each byte.

      If we scroll to the very bottom of this file, we see it stops at byte 0x80f, which, in decimal is 2063, meaning ls -l was correct and there are 2064 bytes in this file (numbered 0-2063), not 32k (as claimed in the header).

    2. Next, we'll use hte.

      $ hte db/params.arr
      $ man hte  # for the manual

      You'll notice that the window is very similar! Along the bottom are commands, each accessed using a function key. The main window is almost exactly the same.

      Along the top is a menu bar. Letters are highlighted and can be accessed using ALT+<letter> (or "option" if you have a MacOS keyboard).

      One of the most powerful features of hte is the expression evaluator, which allows you to interpret the bytes under the cursor in different ways, or to evaluate arbitary expressions.

      For example, place your cursor at the beginning of the file and type ALT-e followed by e to bring up the expression evalutor.

      Type u64 and hit enter. You just told the evaluator to interpret the 8 bytes starting at your cursor as an unsigned 64-bit integer (and we see that this is indeed 4096). Hit ALT-f to see all the functions that the expression evaluator can use (use ESC to go back).

      It can also be used as an abitrary calculator, like print in GDB. Let's make sure that the file size is what we think it is (again).

    3. Now, we'll look at a trio of tools for dumping a hex interpretion of a file: hexyl, hexdump, and xxd.

      These are not editors -- they just show you the contents of a file in hexidecimal. Try the following:

      $ xxd db/params.arr 
      $ xxd db/params.arr | head -n 20  # view first 20 lines
      $ xxd db/params.arr | tail -n 10  # view last 10 lines
      $ hexdump db/params.arr | less    # view in less (q to exit)
      $ hexdump db/params.arr
      $ hexyl db/params.arr

      The | with head, tail, and less can be used with any program.

      xxd is installed by default on nearly all Linux and Unix systems.

  • Okay, so now we know the problem: The file size is 2064 bytes. The header takes up 16 bytes (2 8-byte numbers). That means that there are 2048 bytes remaining for the array elements. Since each element is 8 bytes, the number of elements should be 256, not 4096.

    Now it's time to fix this!

    Let's kill the crashed program and re-run it. We'll set a breakpoint before we crash, and fix the corruption before the program reads that memory and acts on it.

    (gdb) break boot.c:29    # set a breakpoint right before the for loop
    (gdb) kill               # kill the running program
    (gdb) run                # run the program from the start

    The next part here is cool. We can use GDB to change memory of the running program!

    The print function allows this:

    (gdb) print *params.n
    (gdb) print *params.n = <the correct number of elements>
    (gdb) print *params.n

    Notice how the value changed!

    You can also use the set function in gdb to achieve the same result:

    (gdb) print *params.n
    (gdb) set *params.n = <the correct number of elements>
    (gdb) print *params.n

    If you view a hex dump of the file, you should see that the file changed as well (since mmap writes changes back to disk)!

    $ hexyl db/params.arr | head

    Before we move on, note that we just permanently changed the file. This means that we have fixed the memory corruption and now whenever we run the program again, we won't crash here.

    If you ever need to start over after writing to memory and changing the file, you can always make restore_XXX to restore the file for the phase you are working on (see the description of these targets in the general tips section).

    Make sure that you take careful notes as you are working. You will need them.

  • Type cont in GDB to continue running the program! We just passed phase 1!

  • Before you move on, write your first answer in

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Phase 2 Tips

The next two phases use a different data structure--one that I've called a strtable. This data structure is an indexable table of strings that are stored in contiguous memory.

The strtable data structure that you will be fixing has been corrupted in a few small ways. Before you dive into fixing it, it will be important to understand the memory layout of the data structure. Make sure that you spend some time reading strtable.h.

Tips for Phase 2:

  • You can create a very small strtable to experiment with. Run $ ./strtable_driver

    Type n test_table 50 to create a small string table that can store 50 bytes of data. Then add a few strings:

    > a one-string
    > a another
    > a last
    > c
    > q

    This creates a very small string table that we can try to understand by inspection. Dump it with hexyl test_table.stb or xxd to see its contents. Here you can see the strings (each of which is null-terminated), the index, and the header section with the number of elements (3) and the size (50 = 0x32).

    Remember that you can use hte test_table.stb to use the calculator in hte as well, which will come in handy when interpreting the index of the table. Each entry in the index is a 32-bit int (you can see its definition in struct table_element).

    Understanding the layout of this small file will help you fix the larger file. Feel free to experiment and create slightly larger tables with more strings (this one is just about full).

  • Remember to use info stack followed by frame <number> to go back to a particular function.

  • You can dereference chains of structs that point to one another. For example: print nav_db->metadata->size

  • By examining the file format, you will notice that element offsets should be correlated with one another: print nav_db.elements[0] is the offset of element 0 and print nav_db.elements[1] is the offset of element 1.

  • If you want to look at the last 30 lines of output, remember you can always use the tail command to do that: hexyl nav.stb | tail -n 30

  • You can set an address with print too: print *(address expression) = <value>

  • To write a single byte, make sure that you tell print to interpret the address as a byte: print *((char *) address expression) = '<char>'

  • I said that the data has not been corrupted; in this case, data does not include the null terminators.

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Phase 3 Tips

Tips for Phase 3:

  • For this section, it is doubly important that you understand the strtable format. In that format, the offset of a string is related to the offsets and lengths of the strings that surround it.

  • If you want to look a block of memory as bytes, remember to use the repeat modifier for x: e.g., x/30c (address expression)

  • Remember that you can do arithmetic with print. For example, you can use an expression like this to compute the address of the end of the file: print/x nav_db->mm_region.start + nav_db->mm_region.size

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Phase 4 Tips

In this phase and the next, you'll be using a data structure that I called a block list. This is essentially a linked list of data elements (called blocks) that users can add to and access in sequence.

You will find documentation for the format in block_list.h. Take some time to read through it. It is important that you understand the memory layout for this data structure.

Tips for Phase 4:

  • Like strtable, there is a small driver program that you can run to create and interact with block lists. Run $ ./block_list_driver.

    Type m test_list 64 to create a small block list. The total amount of data this can store is 64 bytes. Given that there are 8 bytes used for both the empty head and tail nodes of the list, this means that we have 48 bytes that we can use for data. Each block uses 8 bytes for its header and footer, so if we create three blocks and make sure that the block sizes add up to 24, we can use the entire file (24 + 3*8 = our 48 bytes remaining).

    > a 10 a
    > a 4 b
    > a 10 c

    This adds a block of 10 as, a block of 4 bs, and a block of 10 cs.

    If we dump the file using hexyl test_list.ll, you can see the null head and tail nodes, as well as the header and footers with the size of each block!

    Remember that you can use hte test_list.ll to use the calculator in hte. Like strtable, you should experiment with the driver program and the hex editor to get a sense of what is happening in the file.

  • Remember that you can do address arithmetic with print and can dereference expressions of your own that result in addresses; this can include subtraction: print/x *(address - offset)

    This also works for assignment: print/x *(address - offset) = val

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Phase 5 Tips

The last phase! Good work!

Tips for Phase 5:

  • Phase 5 is not radically different from the other phases, and with the tools that you have gained so far, you should be well-equipped for this phase.

  • Where the program crashes should give you a good idea of where to look in the file for the corruption. You shouldn't have to look too far from the start, and where the program crashes and its output should be a good clue for where to look.

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Wrapping up and handing it in

Congratulations! I hope that this was a novel experience for you and a good deep-dive into learning how to debug pointer and offset-based structures!

When you are ready to submit, make sure that you add your fixed files and your answers.

$ git add src/db/params.arr
$ git add src/db/nav.stb
$ git add src/db/log.ll
$ git add

Make sure that you commit, push, and create a pull request.

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Some hints

  • Phase 2: There are two issues; one is similar to phase 1 and the other is some corruption of data. What do all strings end with?
  • Phase 3: It looks like a string was read incorrectly from the file. Where does the index/offsets say that string should start?
  • Phase 4: Looks like we read too far... What should've made us stop reading sooner?
  • Phase 5: Block sizes appear twice (header and footer).

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COMP251 Lab 4: Debugging offset-based data structures






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