A Java EE 7 Project which uses the sakila database from Postgres Migrated to Mysql.
The Aim is to learn and document the Java EE implementation as I am learning it from java champion Adam Bien.
The Code is kept as neat as possible and done all in netbeans just to have a feel of the IDE.
For running the project in Docker.
- Get the project in you local system and (of course) docker should be up and running.
- Create somewhere a directory for storing the mysql database data. and update in movie-info/docker-compose.yml
- The section is sakila: >> volumes: >> path before ":/var/lib/mysql"
- Also update the location of mysql-sakila.sql (should be in the TasteOfJavaEE7/sakila directory)
- Add the MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD, MYSQL_USER, MYSQL_PASSWORD to the sakila and phpmyadmin sections.
- goto movieInfo directory and Edit the Dockerfile
- Add the values of MYSQL_USER and MYSQL_PASSWORD to the --property user=xxxxxxxx:password=xxxxxxxxxx: respectively
- docker build -t movie-info . (run this command in the same directory)
- docker-compose up (run this command in the same directory)
Now once done the application should be available at : dockerhostname / localhost depending upon your installation. so for me on windows it is :
Rest Endpoints :
== OLD == May be removed The Project is deployed to Openshift at http://javaee7app-archlinux.rhcloud.com/index.xhtml which should run a fairly recent version of the application.
There is also a REST Interface that shall be augmented as and when possible. All the rest interfaces start with resources. e.g. http://javaee7app-archlinux.rhcloud.com/resources/actors
Further examples :
- http://javaee7app-archlinux.rhcloud.com/resources/actors/11 to get actor number 11.
The OpenShift jbossas
cartridge documentation can be found at: