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Core controller component which exposes adapters for different transfer protocols

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Core protocols is a component of periodicjs.core.controller that exposes a standard set of methods across different transport protcols with options for implementing different API strategies. With core protocols implementing a RESTful API for HTTP requests looks no different than standing up a JSONRPC API for websocket based communications.

Usage (basic)

const express = require('express');
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const ProtocolInterface = require('periodicjs.core.protocols');
const DBInterface = require('');
const ResponderInterface = require('periodicjs.core.responder');

//Connect to the DB and start a HTTP server
mongoose.connection.once('open', () => {
  //Get the registered model or register a model
  let Example = mongoose.model('Example');
  let Server = express().listen(3000);
  //This configuration will allow for RESTful routes to be generated and mounted for the "Example" mongo collection and will by default respond in JSON
  let http_adapter = ProtocolInterface.create({
    express: Server,
    resources: {},
    db: {
      example: DBInterface.create({ adapter: 'mongo', model: Example });
    responder: ResponderInterface.create({ adapter: 'json' }),
    api: 'rest',
    adapter: 'http'
  //The implement method called with no arguments will mount a sub-router for each db adapter indexed by model name in the db object
  //http adapter will now have a .router if you wish to access the express router directly
  With a JSON responder requests will by default receive a JSON response unless it requires a view to be rendered
  Implemented RESTful routes
  GET localhost:3000/example => Get All
  POST localhost:3000/example => Create One
  GET localhost:3000/example/:id => Get One
  PUT localhost:3000/example/:id => Update One
  DELETE localhost:3000/example/:id => Remove One

Usage (advanced)

//In this example assume that mongo is already connected and the HTTP server is already started
let http_adapter = ProtocolInterface.create({
  express: require('express'), //Instead of the running server provide the express module
  resources: {},
  db: {
    example: DBInterface.create({ adapter: 'mongo', model: Example })
  responder: ResponderInterface.create({ adapter: 'json' }),
  api: 'rest',
  adapter: 'http'
//This implements a router specifically for the example model. The .dirname option specifies a view directory if your view files are not in one of the default directories
let router = http_adapter.api.implement({ model_name: 'example', dirname: ['./some/path/to/view/dir'] });
//Because this returns a router you must manually mount it on the applications main router this does however allow for more control over the path
Server.use('/api/v1', router);
  Once again the JSON responder will by default be used unless a view must be rendered. If .strict option is passed when constructing the protocol adapter or in the this.api.implement call or this.implement call all responses will come a JSON. Additionally, the JSON responder will be used if req.query.format = "json"
  Implemented RESTful routes
  GET localhost:3000/api/v1/example?format=json => Get All
  POST localhost:3000/api/v1/example?format=json => Create One
  GET localhost:3000/api/v1/example/:id?format=json => Get One
  PUT localhost:3000/api/v1/example/:id?format=json => Update One
  DELETE localhost:3000/api/v1/example/:id?format=json => Remove One

adapter.implement vs. adapter.api.implement

//In this example we are again assuming that mongo is connected and the server is started
let http_adapter = ProtocolInterface.create({
  express: Server, //Instead of the running server provide the express module
  resources: {},
  db: {
    example: DBInterface.create({ adapter: 'mongo', model: Example })
  responder: ResponderInterface.create({ adapter: 'json' }),
  api: 'rest',
  adapter: 'http'
  There are two implement methods exposed by this constructed object the first is accessed by .implement and is a method for both implementing an API strategy and mounting whatever is generated from the implementation.
  This method has two potential outcomes dependent on if the property is an already running express server or the express module itself. Another key difference is that this .implement method only uses the .express property of the protocol adapter.
  Case 1 (express server):
    .implement() directly mounts routes on the application
    sets the .router property equal to the ._router property of the express application
  Case 2 (express module):
    .implement() creates an express router and mounts routes
    sets the .router property equal to the generated router
    must separately mount router to application main router
    defines http_adapter.controller[model_name] as the generated controller methods for model
let router = http_adapter.api.implement({ model_name: 'example' });
  This method is similar to http_adapter.implement with the key difference being that it implements an API strategy given any router and model and returns the values so that they can be used outside of the ecosystem of the protocol adapter. As such this method can be passed an optional .router property and will mount routes on the provided router. Only when this option is not defined will this method use the router. 

  Optionally .router can also be set to false in which case no router will be created and only controller methods are returned.
    router <- When options.router is not false


Make sure you have grunt installed

$ npm install -g grunt-cli jsdoc-to-markdown

For generating documentation

$ grunt doc
$ jsdoc2md adapters/**/*.js api_adapters/**/*.js utility/**/*.js index.js > doc/



$ npm i
$ grunt test





Core controller component which exposes adapters for different transfer protocols






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