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Releases: codeurjc-students/2019-VSCode4Teaching


16 Nov 19:02
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This version includes security and performance improvements.

To read full changelog of VSCode4Teaching 2.2, please read version 2.2.0 description.


30 Oct 22:49
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  • New functionality: teachers can upload their own solution proposals to their exercises from now on.
    • Through this new feature, teachers can prepare exercises. If their exercises' directories contain both a "template" and a "solution" directory, solution will be processed and saved. Any other structure than this will result in an exercise without a built-in solution. This mechanism is used both for uploading a single exercise and in the multiple simultaneous upload function.
    • With this, when the solution is published by the teachers, students will have a button in the Status Bar to download the solution proposal, being able to use the "refresh" button of the extension to check if there is already a solution available. This proposal will be placed in a directory called "solution" created just inside the root directory of the exercise.
    • Once the solution proposal is downloaded, students can use another button in the Status Bar that allows them to visualize the differences between their submitted proposal and the solution published by the teacher.
    • Teachers have two new checkboxes on the Dashboard of each exercise to determine if the solution is published and if editing of the exercise is allowed once the solution is downloaded.
      • By default the solution is not visible to students and, once it has been published by the teacher, it cannot be removed again (since a student might have downloaded it).
      • On the other hand, the checkbox to allow editing of the exercise is editable as long as the solution is not public (and can be reverted if activated), but it can no longer be changed once the solution has been published.
  • The exercises are displayed with a new colored icon in the sidebar.
    • For students, this icon reflects the status of the exercise (not started, in progress or completed).
    • In the case of teachers, this icon reflects whether the exercise has a solution or not and, if it has a solution, whether it is published or not.
  • A complete redesign of the Dashboard has been introduced that improves and enhances its functionality, introducing now an integrated help in the Dashboard itself and, among other GUI improvements, a new pie chart to graphically visualize how many users have each exercise in a certain state.
  • In terms of code, all the necessary tests have been implemented on the server and in the extension to cover the new feature and some more are improved and added to cover older code. In addition, there are improvements in documentation and code organization to make this project more maintainable.


29 Jul 17:39
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This version is released to fix some documentation bugs.

Please refer to 2.1.3 changelog to read more on new features and improvements.


28 Jul 15:55
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Main changes in this version:

  • Help page GIFs have been updated to show functionality of version 2.1.3.
  • New Dashboard light mode. It is designed to allow teachers to open the dashboard without having to have downloaded the exercise for which they wish to open it. As a consequence, its functionality is less than in the case of opening the full dashboard.
  • Improvements in user interaction (e.g., a contextual menu is implemented to access all course and exercise options by secondary clicking on them or better indicative messages are added).

Technical changes:

  • Several dependencies used in the Visual Studio Code extension have been updated due to security and perfomance reasons.
  • There have been introduced new dependencies for the creation and recording of logs to facilitate the traceability and debugging of errors and events in all application components.
  • Some bugs have been fixed.


30 Mar 21:04
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2.1.2-beta Pre-release

Note: this is a beta version, so the full functionality of the application is not guaranteed. Successive bug fixes and patch releases will be made until the final version 2.1.X is released.

This pre-release introduces some minor bug fixes attending to some errors found on v2.1.1-beta. The most notable changes for users are:

  • Removal of the intermediate directory that appeared when using the multiple exercise upload functionality.
  • The dashboard shows the full names of the hidden students by default.
  • The student help page has been updated to the latest version.


30 Mar 21:04
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2.1.1-beta Pre-release

Note: this is a beta version, so the full functionality of the application is not guaranteed. Successive bug fixes and patch releases will be made until the final version 2.1.X is released.

This pre-release introduces some minor bug fixes attending to some errors found on v2.1.0-beta.


03 Mar 16:20
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2.1.0-beta Pre-release

Note: this is a beta version, so the full functionality of the application is not guaranteed. Successive bug fixes and patch releases will be made until the final version 2.1.X is released.

Main changes in this version:

  • New custom help page. This new version of the help page allows teachers to generate a sharing link of one of their courses, retrieving a customized link that students can open to see a help webpage that tells them how to use the course code in an interactive way and how to fulfill and send their exercises.
  • Student's anonymity preservation. Exercises sent by the students are saved in file system in an anonymous format, adding a new option to the teacher's dashboard that allows them to hide or show student's names and surnames.
  • New two-step teacher sign up process. From now on, a teacher can invite another teacher to join V4T using a simple form during their session in VSCode4Teaching. The app will return a link that can be shared with the new teacher, who will log in into the new web application and will be able to change the password as desired to start using the application.
  • New multiple exercises' uploading feature. To do so, teachers just have to use the new "Add multiple exercises" button available for each course and select a directory containing a folder for each new exercise. The folders must include the corresponding files that will later form the exercises' templates.

Technical changes:

  • Dependencies' and frameworks' versions have been updated to improve security and performance.
  • Spring Boot's REST API's documentation has been converted to OpenAPI 3 format and can be read in Swagger's interactive webpage.
  • Some bugs have been fixed.


09 Dec 11:20
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Multiple bug fixes and UI/UX improvements
Rethink how the teacher dashboard works


24 Aug 12:34
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  • Removed asking for URL when logging in or signing up.
  • Set edukafora's server as default one.
  • Add timeout to extension requests.
  • New Diff button in Dashboard
  • Better labels in Dashboard
  • Add bundler to reduce size of extension
  • Add more logging
  • Add db admin to docker-compose
  • Improvements to the docs and website tutorial
  • Various bugfixes and performance improvements
  • Patch vulnerabilities and update dependencies

Websockets and new monitoring tools

15 Jul 16:29
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Merge pull request #103 from codeurjc-students/directories-unix

parse directories in client from \\ to /