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@evilhero evilhero tagged this 09 Dec 19:46
IMP:(#1285) Change StoryArc base folder location via config.ini (storyarc_location)
IMP: Set default docker paths for Comic Location (/comics) and SABnzbd Download directory (/downloads) (if not set)
IMP: (API getWanted results empty  #1266) getWanted API endpoint will now return issues and annuals (and story_arcs when queried for)
FIX:(#1277) invalid issue numbering with Alpha & Omega during rename
FIX:(#1295) Make sure to reset the sort counter if no series are present after removing from watchlist
FIX:(#1284) trailing slash in url if not present
FIX:(#1297) Fypo correction
FIX: Adding series with legacy numbering (issue number in brackets)
FIX: imprint field being used within Folder Format string causing extra spaces
FIX: DBUpdater would traceback and kill scheduled job on CV entries with no comicid
FIX: (DC 2022 Annual not downloading from GetComics #1059) 2022 Annuals not being searched / detected properly
FIX: Resuming DDL would cause progress bars to display incorrect % and elongated bar
FIX: DDL Manage page could have duplicates listed (one with a Volume, one without)
FIX: Changing series directory location and then changing booktype would reset the directory location to the default instead of previously set one
FIX: Storyarc would not rename existing files within arc directory with updated reading order number
FIX: Post-processing an issue that belongs to multiple arcs would only post-process against one arc and then cause an error
FIX: Manual post-processing of story arc issues that are not on watchlist would result in a volume-related error in some cases
FIX: (Missing issue count in Have column on main page #1270) issue count missing on main page (default theme)
FIX: Storyarc issue count not showing on detail page
FIX: Unable to properly load resizeimage function on storyarc detail page when image present
FIX: Manage DDL showing duplicate buttons
FIX: Secondary watermark on series detail page was not aligned within column
FIX:(#1278) Editing series location path via Edit Settings would not take initial value (had to repeat steps)
FIX: Variable error on startup (docker)
FIX: CDH category removal if not present when querying SABnzbd history
FIX: Remove eta variable from sabnzbd response as no longer supported (and wasn't really used)
FIX: Manage page would not show full annual titles but just the series it was attached to (ie. Series as opposed to Series Annual)
Assets 2