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Meeting Notes March 12th 2024

Faddah Wolf edited this page Mar 13, 2024 · 11 revisions

PASS Developers Meeting

Meeting Date

  • 2024-03-12


  • Faddah


  • Tim Standen
  • Faddah Wolf
  • Laura Udelson
  • Andy Williams


  • Go over edits to roadmap and PR Standards document - Tim
  • Questions about tickets


  • Scribe adds notes here

Tim — Went over his new edits to the PR Process & The Road Map for PASS.

PR Process Draft from Tim

Regarding questions about the status labels in GitHub Issues & PRs Faddah asked after the last meeting — appears to be a bug. We created those labels for PRs, which now show up for both PRs AND issues. Could be a bug in how we did it in GitHub, or a bug in GitHub in how it handles the labels.

Only three labels we're interested in for PR — Open, Draft & Completed/Closed

PASS Road Map by Tim

Road Map is NOT meant to hold us to a timeline but to show people where we want to go with the PASS app.

Content unchanged. Added Topics for further discussion section.

Client-side encryption — Requested by many clients, but hard to do. If we encrypt client side, we can't do anything with the data on the server. Also — no client-side encryption in Solid, and hard to add on by ourselves.

Faddah — Where does SolidServer live? GoogleCloud? AWS? DigitalOcean?

Tim's Answer — Everyone can make their own SolidServer — Federated Net Software

We have one SolidServer on DigitalOcean now that's working well, but we haven't committed to anywhere

Wilf suggested being able to do digital signatures on a document — Tim believes we'd have to re-design the app for this. We'd make it so no one ever sends out data/documents, ever. Instead, clients send each other messages and the client decides to respond to messages/requests or not. better security and access for client data/documents Solid has some access controls but cannot tell us why a document or data was requested, another reason for the digital signature documents to track them.

Tim added our comments from last week in Road Map about whether or not to have location tracking/gps in the app.

Whether or not to make the system more "modular" — we've had suggestions for this. Tim currently doesn't have a vision for what modular "PASS" would look like. If you have suggestions for this, please post them and let's discuss them.

Faddah asked questions about his current ticket —

Which is the file to edit for the SolidServer on this ticket? Tim: PASS/src/hooks/useCivicProfile.js That creates and edits the: civic_profile.ttl, for each client's Solid Pod Server

Where to edit it for the front-end React.JS? Tim — HouseInfo.jsx PASS/src/components/CivicProfileForms/HousingInfo.jsx

It is then stored in backend under PASS in the Profile.

Faddah will get to this ticket this weekend, after he takes his AWS Solutions Architect Associate exam.

= = = = = = = = = =

Ended early, short meeting.

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