Today, there is not a well designed and clear place for Chicago residents to learn about their alderperson. Code312 is looking to solve that by creating a one-stop-shop for residents to understand what is going on with their community, learn how to get involved, and become more informed citizens.
Most alderpersons maintain a newsletter and post on social media about what's going on in their ward, but it isn't consolidated in one place with other useful information such as neighborhood events or zoning updates.
Our goal is to create a website that enables a Chicago resident to look up their address and review a summary of key links for their specific ward and alderman. This will likely include the following:
- Overview of who your alderman is
- Link to sign up to their newsletter
- Facebook / X / etc. social media links
- Map of your ward
- Link to local police district
Please refer to the Github project for a list of prioritized tasks
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