A fast, flexible and simple development environment framework for Ethereum smart contract, testing and deployment on Ethereum virtual machine(EVM).
With cobra you can get built-in smart contract compilation, linking, deployment, binary management, automated contract testing with Unittest and PyTest frameworks, scriptable deployment & migrations framework and network management for deploying to many public & private networks like INFURA or Ganache CLI.
This library requires the solc
executable to be present.
Only versions >=0.4.2
are supported and tested though this library may work
with other versions.
- solc: Ethereum solidity compiler.
- ganache-cli: A command-line version of Ethereum blockchain server.
- pip: To install packages from the Python Package Index and other indexes.
- python3: version 3.6 or greater.
PIP to install cobra globally. For Linux sudo may be required.
$ pip install eth-cobra
We welcome pull requests. To get started, just fork this repo, clone it locally, and run:
$ pip install -e . -r requirements.txt
Initialize project structure
A default set of contract and tests, run the following command:
$ cobra init
Get help:
$ cobra --help
From there, you can run cobra compile
, cobra deploy/migrate
and cobra test --unittest/--pytest
to compile your contracts, deploy those contracts to the network, and run their associated unit tests.
advanced cobra.yaml
solidity_path: "./contracts" # global
artifact_path: "./build/contracts"
contracts: [
contract: {
solidity: "Contract.sol",
solidity_path: "./contracts/libs", # detail
import_remappings: [
allow_paths: [
artifact_path: "./build/contracts/"
contracts: [
contract: {
artifact: "Contract.json",
links: ["Contract.json"]
artifact_path: "./build/contracts/"
test_paths: ["./tests"]
contracts: [
contract: {
artifact: "Contract.json",
links: ["Contract.json"]
development: {
url: "https://ropsten.infura.io/...",
# host: "localhost",
# port: 8545,
hdwallet: {
mnemonic: "decide adjust legend nation type same task aim rigid lucky guilt close", # or
seed: "decide adjust legend nation type same task aim rigid lucky guilt close",
password: "meherett",
private: "5f8935bb3b61b312ba1114cbf6f1ea30102383f2b043a1b213aa482132d25049",
gas: 3000000,
gas_price: 1000000
protocol: "HTTPS", # HTTP, HTTPS, WS(WebSocket) and ICP
# account: {
# address: "0x6a373a75c388ac2d160f1d2b6d9ada34f29831cd",
# gas: 3000000,
# gas_price: 1000000
# }
Tests are still under development.
You can run the tests with:
$ pytest tests
Or use tox
to run the complete suite against the full set of build targets, or pytest to run specific
tests against a specific version of Python.
Feel free to open an issue if you find a problem, or a pull request if you've solved an issue.
Meheret Tesfaye – @meherett – [email protected]
Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE
for more information.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details