CO2BLOCK provides the automatic estimate of the storage capacity of an aquifer, based on the geomechanical limits to pressure build-up.
Users only need to open and modify the script "CO2BLOCK.m". There is no need to open or modify the other scripts, which is instead not recommended.
Please refer to the user guide for more detailed instructions. If you want to learn more about the theory behind CO2BLOCK, please refer to the following papers:
- De Simone and Krevor (2021) A tool for first order estimates and optimisation of dynamic storage resource capacity in saline aquifers”. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 106, 103258.
- De Simone S., Jackson S. J. & Krevor S. (2019). The error in using superposition to estimate pressure during multi-site subsurface CO2 storage. Geophysical Research Letters 46: 6525-6533
Should you have any question/comment/suggestion, please send an email to Silvia De Simone at [email protected]
CO2BLOCK is a free licence software. If you use it for academic purposes, please cite the reference paper:
- De Simone and Krevor (2021) A tool for first order estimates and optimisation of dynamic storage resource capacity in saline aquifers”. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 106, 103258.