Simple farmersworld claim-bot for novices.
- Clone repository
git clone Splash-07/fw-bot
- Install all dependencies
npm i
- Start bot on localhost
npm start
- Claim tools, membership cards;
- Restore energy (optionally);
- Repair tools (optionally);
- Depending on quantity and grade of membership cards storing charges (less CPU usage).
- Login with wax.wallet;
- Fetch blockchain data with eosio rpc api;
- Auto fetch data every 30sec;
- Finding tool or mbs card with lowest cooldown (adjusted according mbs cards that you have, checking if charges can be stored);
- If cooldown is over -> claim action performing.;
- Repeating 4th and 5th steps.
Pull requests are welcome. For feature requests and bug reports, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Thanks Shr1xy for account sharing for testing.
More profound version of farmersworld bot by shakhruz.