Releases: cmarin001/inubekit-test
Releases · cmarin001/inubekit-test
💥 Breaking Change
- fix(auto-release): update configuration #14 (@cmarin001)
Authors: 1
- Cesar Marin Alfonso (@cmarin001)
💥 Breaking Change
- fix: remove unnecessary code #13 (@cmarin001)
Authors: 1
- Cesar Marin Alfonso (@cmarin001)
⚠️ Pushed to main
- fix: remove unnecessary code (@cmarin001)
Authors: 1
- Cesar Marin Alfonso (@cmarin001)
⚠️ Pushed to main
- fix: remove unnecessary code (@cmarin001)
Authors: 1
- Cesar Marin Alfonso (@cmarin001)
💥 Breaking Change
- fix: remove unnecessary code #12 (@cmarin001)
- fix: remove unnecessary code #10 (@cmarin001)
- fix(palette): change purple p200 token in order to use it as figma requires #9 (@cmarin001)
- fix(palette): change purple p200 token in order to use it as figma requires #8 (@cmarin001)
- fix(palette): change purple p200 token in order to use it as figma re… #7 (@cmarin001)
- feat: added assited tokens #6 (@cmarin001)
🚀 Enhancement
- fix(assisted): remove unnecessary code #5 (@cmarin001)
- fix(test): change name's directory #4 (@cmarin001)
- fix: update auto-configuration #3 (@cmarin001)
- Include the assisted component for test #2 (@cmarin001)
🐛 Bug Fix
- fix: added configuration for npm-release #11 (@cmarin001)
- Include the assisted component for test #1 (@cmarin001)
⚠️ Pushed to main
- fix: remove unnecessary code (@cmarin001)
- fix(auto): change the auto configuration in orderder to make the releases automatically (@cmarin001)
- fix: update github action (@cmarin001)
- fix(auto-release): add file that executes the command (@cmarin001)
- fix: update auto-configuration (@cmarin001)
- Initial commit (@cmarin001)
Authors: 1
- Cesar Marin Alfonso (@cmarin001)