Creates a 3D Model from an PDF file
docker build -f docker/image2model/Dockerfile .
Print help
docker run -it -v `pwd`:`pwd` --help
Available options:
usage: [-h] (-i [file] | -d [directory] | -s) [-o [directory]] [-z] [-t] [-k] [-p PATTERN]
Generate Collada files from images
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i [file], --input [file]
File to convert
-d [directory], --directory [directory]
Path to collect images from
-s, --setup Ensure all required modules are present
-o [directory], --output [directory]
Path to write converted files to
-z, --zip Compress results to zip file
-t, --thumbs Use thumbnails as textures
-k, --keep Keep generated files
-p PATTERN, --pattern PATTERN
File pattern for directories, default is '**/*.jpg,**/*.pdf'