Spika3 is the ultimate messenger solution for teams, boasting unmatched customizability. We designed it to be easily modified, deployed, and used to meet your team's specific communication needs.
Spika is a communication platform that is fully customizable and open-source. Backend is developed in Typescript, specifically for organizations that prioritize data protection. Our application is based on Typescript / MySQL / RabbitMQ / ExpressJS / ReactJS, allowing for real-time conversations between colleagues, other companies, or customers, regardless of their mode of connection. Using our platform results in increased productivity and higher customer satisfaction rates.
We also have iOS ( Swift ) and Android ( Kotlin ) client in another repository. They are still on heavy development phase, but they will be opensourced soon.
Here you can try demo with predefined characteristic chatGPT bot.
To obtain further details regarding the supported operating systems and system requirements , kindly refer to the requirements documentation. To install your instance of Spika, please consult the "Install" guide.
We are always open to feature requests and bug reports. If you have anything in mind, please post it to the Issues section.
You can find detailed document here.
Our official landing page is here.
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