Fanmade Cards Against Humanity game with the purpose of improving my knowledge of React.
- Install the latest stable version of Node.js
- navigate to the project folder with your command line tool of choice (I use git bash)
- Install typescript globally if you intend to change the source code. Skiip this step if you just want to run the site without edits.
- type "npm install" to get all dependencies
- type "npm start" to run the project
- Go to localhost:3001 in your web browser to check the site
Alternatively, check the demo here:
- Node.js 8+
- React
- Redux
- MongoDB
- Typescript
- Webpack
- Babel
- Concurrently
- Nodemon
- Express
- dotenv
- Mongoose
- bcrypt
- React
- Redux
- Bootstrap 4
- Jquery